Above: Bellegrove Fire Company in North Annville Township. (LebTown file photo)
17.3 sq mi
North Annville Township reporter
Township website: nannvilletwp.org
Hours by appointment only

LebTown coverage of North Annville Township
Learn more about LebTown’s municipal reporting program
💡 What does the coverage status mean? 💡
LebTown has a couple different coverage statuses:
– Monitoring: Municipality is monitored by LebTown’s reporters for newsworthy events.
– Covered: Municipality meetings are covered regularly by a LebTown journalist.
💡How can I have my municipality meetings covered? 💡
Since 2022, LebTown has made municipal meeting coverage a top priority, and a couple years later, we’re seeing the impact of our commitment to this vital form of local journalism. We are determined to keep growing until we can cover every Lebanon County municipality. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to LebTown’s Civic Impact Reporting Project.
Support municipal meeting coverage. Donate to the Civic Impact Reporting Project.
Make your tax-deductible, one-time, high impact gift here: