The Friends of Old Annville will launch the “Annville Goes Green” initiative on March 16 to promote environmentalism and keep the community clean and green.

The initiative will begin at 11 a.m. in the plaza by the Annville Subway, where participants can bring aluminum cans for recycling, watch the fountain water turn green for St. Patrick’s Day, and team-up to pick up trash along the streets of Annville (bags provided).

“Annville Goes Green” will also include several activities in April, including walks through Quittie Creek Nature Park focused on wildflowers, story times with Miss Cindy at Annville Free Library (featuring green topics such as gardens, bugs, and paleontology), a lecture at the library about the history of the Quittapahilla Watershed Association (including an introduction to the library’s new rain garden) featuring association president Michael Schroeder, a clean-up day at Quittie Creek Nature Park (with samples of garlic mustard soup and pesto available), and a second street-cleaning event on April 27.

For more details about the “Annville Goes Green” initiative, visit the website.

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