This sponsored press release is paid advertising by UB Auctions.
Out with the old and in with the new! Dying are the days of the traditional, on-site auctions. AÂ new, more convenient, exciting, and contemporary auction experience awaits those who want a hint of the traditional but need the convenience of a more mobile, more accessible auction opportunity. UB Auctions strives to create an auction experience that caters to both the old-school auction-goers through our live, on-site previews and the new-school auction enthusiasts who want to bid online at any time and from anywhere.
Whether you’re a Buyer, a Seller, or both, UB Auctions is central Pennsylvania’s new place to go for all things your auctioning needs. We opened our doors on September 14th and are already hosting several online Auction Events. We specialize in large personal property sales, business liquidations, down-sizing/relocations, bankruptcies, and foreclosures. We cater our Auction Events to our Seller’s needs, time, and circumstances. Through our belief in excellent customer service, our reliable and knowledgeable staff, and our commitment to ALWAYS offer unique Auction Events packed with all sorts of items sure to pique the interests of a wide-range of Buyers and Sellers, the staff at UBA believes we will form long-lasting relationships with all our clients and give our customers amazing online Auction experiences.
We are also a company on a mission. Whether you are a Buyer, a Seller, or both, you will find that there are fees associated with Buying on and Selling with UBA. Our 10% Buyer’s Premium is one of the lowest in the Auctioning Industry, and our Seller fees are flexible, affordable, and WAIVED THROUGH 2019! Our fees go to cover the costs of staffing, web design, warehouse storage fees, fuel, and other expenses, but they also go to something more. The staff at UBA believe in giving back, and we have chosen several different missions near and dear to our hearts. After expenses are paid, a percentage of each Auction Event goes directly to missions and community work. Be sure to check those out on our About Us tab.
UB Auctions is exclusively online. We encourage everyone to register as a bidder, visit the site often, like us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, check out our YouTube Channel, and bid, bid, bid or sell, sell, sell with UB Auctions! Please be sure to visit us at
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