⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

Although you’d think this is an easy question to answer, for the country’s largest local news company it is apparently not.

As of today, the paper’s print masthead still says that Andrea Rich is news director of the paper. Yet LebTown has heard from multiple sources that Rich is no longer with the company, one of the many nationally let go in last month’s corporate layoffs.

Gannett’s Pennsylvania group has been led editorially by longtime York editor Jim McClure and includes the Chambersburg Public Opinion, the Hanover Evening Sun, and the York Daily Record.

Consecutive emails sent by LebTown to Gannett’s local leadership in York on January 24 and January 31 went unanswered. Weeks after this round of layoffs was announced, York Daily Record editor Jim McClure announced his own imminent retirement.

York Daily Record second-in-command Randy Parker has apparently been doing double duty in recent weeks as not only York’s news director, but Lebanon’s too: He is listed as news director on the paper’s digital staff directory. This job has apparently extended to some on-the-ground coverage as well, with Parker actually covering a Richland borough council meeting himself earlier this month.

We’ll update this post if we hear back from Gannett.

The Lebanon Daily News discontinued walk-in service at its Poplar Street office in December. Gannett is currently being targeted by the Daily News’ former owner, Digital First Media, for a possible acquisition or merger.

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  1. The future of small town local news is online sites such as Leb Town. Local coverage keeps local government, courts, and law enforcement honest. We can’t rely on the nearly dead LDN. I appreciate what Davis is doing here, and we should all support Leb Town whenever and however possible. At the least, tell everyone you know who complains about the decline of the LDN to start reading Leb Town.

  2. Such a sad state for a once informative paper. Why bother to cut down trees to print this dreck? A waste of paper & my time. Why is there local news from 2 counties away. No police blotter? No local events. Why bother? And they want you to pay for an online subscription? Are they crazy?

  3. I’m glad to see that crime is over in Lebanon.hasnt been a police blotter in the paper in over a month.

  4. I’ve noticed in the past several weeks that the only LEBANON news is obits and maybe one or two front page articles and if you look long enough a few sports articles. The police log and other local
    Real estate transfers etc have disappeared in recent weeks. I wonder how Gannet justifies including the name Lebanon in the name of the newspaper. It’s very sad.

  5. This is sad, but unfortunately the trend nationwide. Local news suffers. I feel for the people left at the nearly defunct LDN.

  6. What a disapppint
    No local news except
    1 article today about cherry pie at farmers mkt.
    Over the weekend no real estate transfers
    No marriage licences, divorces, births,
    No police reports.
    Waste of money.

  7. The LEBANON Daily News lacks LEBANON News. On a good day there might be an article or two on front page and obits bi noticed that the real estate transfers etc and even the police log has disappeared in the past few weeks. I only subscribe on line and really have lost interest because THERE IS NO LEBANON NEWS. THE PAPER SHOULD. OT EVEN INCLUDE LEBANON IN ITS NAME. USA TIDAYBWOULD BE A MORE FITTING NAME

  8. Apparently local news in Lebanon’s daily includes stories from York County that nobody two counties away could possibly care about. Sad.

  9. Not enough local news, if I want to read about state and federal news I can watch television or go on_line.