Two Lebanon nonprofit organizations are teaming up to launch a six week book study and discussion group centered around a book about poverty alleviation strategies.

The book, When Helping Hurts, takes a God-centered approach to exploring how truly “fixing” poverty requires seeing the dignity in everyone, empowering the materially poor, and knowing that we are all uniquely needy, according to the publisher’s description.

The study and discussion group is being organized by Lee Smedley, Director of Support Connections of Lebanon County and Susan Blouch, Executive Director of Lebanon Rescue Mission. The group will begin at 6:30pm from Monday April 1 and meet for six consecutive Mondays at the same time, with all meetings to be held at the Lebanon Valley YMCA.

On Tuesday May 14th at 5:30pm, a larger closing event will be held at Lebanon Valley College featuring a free dinner and interactive session by “an authority on poverty.”

Funding for this program has been provided by the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Endowment.

To reserve a space in the study group or just the closing event, email Blouch at Organizers ask that you consider inviting one or two members of your church or organization to attend.

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