Good Friday morning!
A refreshing early morning start will provide wall-to-wall sunshine early, with high-level clouds working in by the early afternoon. Temps will hold in the lower 80’s with temps Friday night dipping into the mid 50’s.
On Saturday a Southey breeze will introduce more clouds to the region as temps and humidity climb. Mid to upper 80’s will be common across the region.
Sunday will start out with a mix of sun and clouds early, with more clouds winning out as temps climb to near 90 for a daytime high. Widely scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely as we progress into Sunday evening.
Jono Ace Hardware wants to remind folks that now is the time for people with coal and pellet stoves to start getting stocked up. Jono can deliver coal in bagged sizes or in bulk to you, or you can visit their store on Route 22 in Jonestown to pick some up. White and red ash coal is available in multiple sizes. Pellets from Hamer and Lignetics are also available in store. Our two cents… it’s more fun to get this stuff now than it is when you actually need it!
Head on over to Jono and check out what they have to offer, and tell ‘em Justin sent you!
Jono Ace Hardware

Your modern hardware store with ole’ fashioned service! Jono Hardware isn’t just a basic hardware store. Checkout all our different departments of supplies we keep stocked all the time.
- Birding & Pets
- Commercial & Janitorial
- Hardware
- Heating & Stoves
- Lawn & Garden
- Paints, Primers, & Stainers
- Window Shoppe

10781 Allentown Boulevard
Jonestown, PA 17038
Phone: (717) 865-5060
Mon: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Tue: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Wed: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thu: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Fri: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sat: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m..
Sun: Closed