Lebanon County is currently in the midst of some far-reaching changes. We’re seeing the growth of massive, multi-million-square-foot distribution and fulfillment centers across the county – and along with them, growing truck traffic, traffic congestion, travel time, and air pollution. We’re seeing our precious farmland vanish, gobbled up by commercial developments and suburban sprawl. We’re seeing long-term demographic and cultural shifts, with growing numbers of Spanish-speakers and an increasingly diverse population shaping our communities of the future.

We live in one of the fastest-growing counties in the Commonwealth. In the dozen years from 2010 to 2022, the number of households grew by 8 percent – one reason why we have a severe shortage of affordable housing. Public resources are being stretched thin. Many families have a hard time making ends meet. Despite all the new distribution and fulfillment centers, good-paying, family-supporting jobs remain scarce.
We need a county commissioner who can help to manage the many changes we’re seeing in ways that are smart, responsible, fair, community-minded, and sustainable in the long term.
Four candidates are running for county commissioner in the election period that ends on Tuesday, Nov. 7. By state law, the top three vote-getters win and lead our county for the next four years.
Three of the four are incumbents. I am the sole challenger and the only non-incumbent. It’s time for a change.
Every voter gets two votes for county commissioner. I’m asking you to cast only one of your two votes – and to cast it for me.
I’m in this race because I am confident that I am very well equipped to help proactively manage the profound and rapid changes we’re witnessing. We need more hands-on, engaged, substantive leadership at the county level. We need a fresh voice, a fresh perspective, and fresh leadership in the county commissioners’ office.

On the one hand, I’m a political outsider who’s never held public office. On the other hand, I know how local government works and I’m already acquainted with many of the key players and most prominent political and cultural leaders in the county.
How so? Because I have a long record of being an engaged, active citizen in my local community and in Lebanon County. I’m also a retired professional historian who’s taught at the college and university level for some three decades. I think hard about things, I do my homework, and I communicate well.
I’m also not afraid to get my hands dirty. I devote at least a few hours every week to working in Quittie Creek Nature Park and undertaking various creek-related, get-your-hands-dirty tasks for the all-volunteer Quittapahilla Watershed Association, for which I’m honored to serve as President.
I attend public meetings and speak up, respectfully and constructively, when I feel the need – not only at county commissioners’ meetings, but meetings of the Prison Board, the Criminal Justice Advisory Board, the Governor Dick Park Board, township and borough council meetings, and others.
I’m not afraid to speak my mind, or to admit when I’m wrong. I respect tradition, but I don’t shy away from challenging conventional wisdom or outdated ways of doing things. I’m a “conservative” in the sense that I aim to conserve what’s best about Lebanon County: its precious farmland and agricultural heritage, its clean air and water and open spaces, and its vibrant community spirit.
Until the election period ends at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7, I’ll keep knocking doors across the county, from Lebanon City to Palmyra to Myerstown to Newmanstown to Jonestown to Fredericksburg and beyond. I’ll keep rolling out short, punchy video endorsements of my candidacy by my fellow Lebanon countians who’ve gotten to know me in one or more of my roles as a community leader. You can view these video endorsements on my campaign’s YouTube channel, at https://www.youtube.com/@Schroeder4Commissioner
I’ll also keep doing my community leadership activities – leading meetings of the Quittapahilla Watershed Association and the Friends of Old Annville and the Lebanon County NAACP and attending public meetings and events and organizing workdays in Quittie Creek Nature Park and adding to my website’s Campaign Blog, at https://schroeder4commissioner.com/campaign-blog.

Our county’s Bureau of Elections and Voter Registration has already mailed out the mail-in ballots. But there’s still time to register to vote – at least until Monday, October 23.
To repeat: Lebanon County faces a whole series of unprecedented changes and challenges that call for bold, smart, fresh leadership from our local public officials. I am the only challenger and only non-incumbent in this race, and I am very well prepared to serve.
I am also the only candidate endorsed by the PA Sierra Club. Their rigorous screening process and strong endorsement of my candidacy speaks volumes about why you should cast one vote for me for Lebanon County commissioner.

To learn more about me and where I stand on various issues, please visit my campaign website, at https://schroeder4commissioner.com
Thank you.