This post is paid advertising by Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce.

On July 16, Governor Wolf confirmed that Lebanon County would not receive their $12.8 million in CARES Act County Relief Block Grant Funding. Sixty-six of 67 counties received their funds well before the July 15 distribution deadline. Governor Wolf referenced the May yellow phase vote, saying while other counties made the threat, Lebanon was the only county to follow through with it. His argument that Lebanon County opened early was a broad overview when the reality was that most of Lebanon County chose not to open against his orders.

In response to this decision, Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to Governor Wolf urging him to reconsider his decision.

The Chamber is confident the vast majority of our businesses followed the Governor’s guidelines under each phase and understands the impact these funds could have to help in the recovery of our business community.

To illustrate this, the chamber opened a petition on July 18 asking Lebanon County to sign on. Those signing attest:

  • We own or operate a business or organization in Lebanon County
  • We complied with the governor’s orders under all phases
  • We would benefit from grant money being distributed in Lebanon County

To date, the Chamber has received 176 signatures representing 143 unique businesses. While some signers are large corporations like Bayer Consumer Health and Bonduelle, the majority are small businesses and mainstays in our community. Allwein Carpet One, Leitzel’s Jewelry, Kwik Quality Press, and many others, could certainly benefit from grants to carry them through a few more months of recovery. Non-profits signers like Power Packs Project and Lebanon County Christian Ministries have continued to support our community’s needs. Tourism and hospitality signers Cornwall Inn and Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel have and are continuing to operate under tight restrictions. Grants could help these and hundreds of other Lebanon County businesses and organizations employing so many of our residents.

While there are many financial relief efforts happening on a local, state, and federal level, this money was allocated to Lebanon County. Our businesses, non-profits, and hospitality industries have patiently waited for the opportunity to apply for what all other counties have begun to distribute.

The Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce is encouraging all businesses to sign the petition so it can be delivered to the Governor’s office within the next few days. To sign on, please visit here. There is strength in numbers and our community’s voice should be heard.


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