This article was funded by LebTown donors as part of our Civic Impact Reporting Project.
A conditional-use application for the development of the former Quentin Riding Club at the intersections of state routes 72 and 419 could come before West Cornwall Township supervisors in December.
At a supervisors meeting Monday, township engineer Jeff Steckbeck reported that Quentin Associates LLC, which owns the 46.3-acre site, is preparing the conditional use application for presentation at the supervisors’ Dec. 11 meeting.
The application will cover the entire tract, he added in a telephone interview Tuesday.
Read More: Special exception granted for Wawa store & gas station in West Cornwall Township
“They don’t have every tenant nailed down, so they will be making some assumptions about tenants for some of the lots,” Steckbeck added.
The site plan submitted to the township in July 2023 shows six commercial lots. One of those is slated for a Wawa convenience store and gas station.

Other possible tenants include a medical/dental office building, car wash, self-storage facility, general office building and fast-food restaurant, according to documents submitted by the developer to PennDOT.
The developer and his consultants purposely selected possible tenants that generate high-volume traffic for their required study of traffic impacts, Steckbeck said.
“If PennDOT approves the study based on high volume uses, then if lower volume uses are substituted later when buyers become known, a revised Traffic Impact Study and PennDOT permit will not be needed,” Steckbeck explained in an email.
In September, the township zoning hearing board approved applications for special exceptions for the Wawa development and for four age-restricted apartment buildings. Those approvals are required by the township’s zoning ordinance before supervisors can consider an application for conditional use.
In approving the applications for special exception, the zoning hearing board affirmed that the proposed developments were a permitted use and met the requirements of the zoning ordinance.
When the application for conditional use comes before supervisors, they can consider “the public health, safety and welfare, the comfort and convenience of the public in general, and of the residents of the immediate neighborhood in particular,” according to the zoning ordinance.
“Supervisors may impose conditions that they believe are reasonably necessary to achieve those goals,” Steckbeck said.
In other business, supervisors agreed to set Trick-or-Treat for 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 31, with a rain date of Nov. 1. Supervisors also voted to purchase 0.8 acres from Vince Pestilli for $18,000. The property is adjacent to the township building and between the building and U.S. Route 322.
Read More: Trick-or-Treat in Lebanon County will take place on Halloween, Oct. 31
West Cornwall Township supervisors meet at 73 S. Zinns Mill Road on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held November 13. These meetings are open to the public and do not require registration.
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