This article was funded by LebTown donors as part of our Civic Impact Reporting Project.

At this month’s Annville Township Board of Commissioners meeting, supervisors granted several waivers for the Pioneer Management LLC subdivision plans, discussed leasing parking spaces to Lebanon Valley College and advertised an updated sewer bill format.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, a representative from Pioneer Management presented the plans for 152 S. Beaver St. The property is currently a single-dwelling unit, but plans would split the property into three lots: one single-dwelling unit and two duplex-style dwelling units.

Pioneer Management requested that commissioners review three waivers for the subdivision plans, including requirements for:

  • A preliminary plan (22.305)
  • Right of way for Marshall and Beaver streets (22.509.7a)
  • Cartway and road widening (22.509.7b)
  • Curbing along the frontages of the property (22.510)
  • Sidewalks along the frontages of the property (22.511)

Commissioners unanimously granted the first three waivers. After a discussion about concerns from the township engineers and the goal of maintaining consistency with waivers granted to nearby properties, the curbing and sidewalk waivers were granted, with commissioners Anthony Perrotto and Tom Embich voting nay on curbing and Rex Moore, Henri Lively, and Nevin Hoover voting yay. Perrotto was the only nay vote on the sidewalk waiver.

Commissioners decided that waiving the curbing and sidewalk requirements would be appropriate given that nearby properties do not have curbing or sidewalks.

Regarding the other waivers, commissioners followed the direction of the Annville Township Planning Commission. Due to the nature of the project, changes can be made in the final plan rather than in both preliminary and final plans. Additionally, Perrotto said the planning commission supported the waivers for the right of way and cartway requirements.

The board also discussed a new agreement with Lebanon Valley College. Township solicitor Megan Ryland Tanner will draft a lease agreement for LVC’s use of 30 of Annville Town Hall’s parking spaces. Since LVC visitors park in the town hall lot without authorization, the township decided to move forward with a formal agreement.

Commissioners unanimously approved Ryland Tanner to move forward in drafting the lease agreement, which will be voted on next month.

Annville Township manager Candie Johnson also reported that residents should watch for updates to their sewer bills.

The bills will now be sent in a perforated envelope to protect sensitive information. Additionally, residents will be able to opt into online payments in the future.

The township recently installed new software to improve the billing process and better communicate with residents. These improvements will allow information to be sent out to the community more efficiently.

Additionally, Johnson and Ryland Tanner reported that the township employee manual is being revised. Some of the updates include removing sections related to the former Annville Township Police Department, revising COVID-19 policies and improving disciplinary policies. Final revisions will be voted on next month.

In other news, commissioners unanimously moved to approve:

  • Resolution 24101-1, which authorized Johnson to apply to the PA Department of Community and Economic Development’s Local Share Account on behalf of the township. The township plans to put the money toward the town hall exterior ADA compliance.
  • The 2025 Minimum Municipal Obligation for pension.
  • The fire police to aid Union Water Works Fire Company on Oct. 13 for Family Field Day and on Oct. 5 for the Hill United Church of Christ Octoberfest events.
  • A $750 spending limit for the township employee holiday gifts.
  • The September meeting minutes, agenda, reports of standing and special committees and pay township bills.

The Board of Commissioners of Annville Township meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held in the township building at 36 N. Lancaster St. and are open to the public. Next month’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

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Jess Benninger is a reporter for LebTown. She is currently earning a bachelor's degree in English at Lebanon Valley College. When she is not writing, she enjoys hiking, listening to music and learning new things.