The paving will occur on Benjamin Circle, Apple Creek Lane, Courtland Drive, and Legacy Lane sometime over the summer.

Katie Knol
Katie Knol is a 2024 Penn State graduate with bachelor's degrees in journalism and political science. She has reporting experience in student-run publications The Daily Collegian and CommRadio along with NPR-affiliate stations WPSU and WITF. Born and raised in the Hershey-Palmyra area, when she isn't reporting, she can be found hanging out with her dogs and cat, baking or scrolling on TikTok.
Union Township looks to remove crossing at 72 and Jonestown Road intersection
Pedestrian poles at the intersection of Interstate 72 and Jonestown Road are regularly hit, according to township staff, and removing the crossing on the south side could save the township money.
Swatara Township votes on street sweeping, goes to bid for paving projects
Bids will close on April 10, the day of the next board of superviors meeting, at which point they will open the bids and choose the lowest responsible bidder for the paving and oil and chip projects.
Palmyra Borough Council discuss ways to honor late mayor Fred Carpenter
Former Palmyra mayor Fred Carpenter passed away on March 6 after decades of public service in the borough. Council members are now looking for a way to honor his dedication to the community.
Palmyra High School’s Be The Change club celebrates Holi with color, music
Color, music, food, and dancing kept everyone celebrating the Festival of Colors at Palmyra High School on their feet and moving on Friday.
Mount Gretna council approves salt structure construction
The estimated total is $8,795 and includes the solid concrete blocks and other necessary materials. The borough crew will do the construction over the summer.
Jonestown Borough continues discussions on downtown project funding
The two projects to add curb bump-outs and extensions and extend the curb an extra five feet are up in the air as the borough council searches for additional funding. Council members will decide if they would like to do one part of the project, both parts, or neither.
Lebanon Transit plans expansion to connect Lebanon and Berks riders
Lebanon Transit is requesting feedback from county residents about the possible expansion, which would connect Berks, Lebanon, Dauphin Counties, and beyond.
Kenbrook Bible Camp breaks ground on pavilion renovations
The pavilion renovations will include installing garage doors and insulation, which will allow the space to be used year-round. It will also expand the deck and add an accesible ramp.
Jackson Township supervisors voice concerns about warehouse development
Supervisors and township staff raised concerns about warehouse development in a rural area, increased truck traffic, road congestion, and safety concerns that could be caused by warehouses on the three proposed lots.
Palmyra Borough Council hears update on Route 422 culvert issue
The borough had to respond quickly to put steel plates at the drainage culvert underneath the intersection of West Main Street and South Mark Street as the caps were unsteady and rocking as cars drove over.
Lebanon Countians danced to help raise record-breaking $17.7 million for THON
Several Lebanon County residents were awake and standing for 46 hours over the weekend to raise money for THON, the world’s largest student-run philanthropy which raises money to help families impacted by childhood cancer.
Palmyra’s FPX MovieLab gives private space for movies, gaming, streaming
The private space is available for bookings so guests can use the big screen to enjoy now playing movies, log in to their personal streaming accounts or connect video game consoles.
Lebanon County CTC students get hands-on experience in building competition
Three teams of Lebanon County Career and Technology Center students put together a mockup in a competition that will decide who will represent Lebanon in next year’s district-level contest.
Jackson Township moves forward on paving walking paths in public parks
The township is putting together a phasing plan for Wheatland Woods to do the walking path, entrance, and parking area. Supervisors also approved a paving project at Jackson Meadows that will introduce about 150 square yards of path.