Hundreds of Penn State students will stand up on Friday and will not sit or sleep until Sunday, 46 hours later, to raise money for Four Diamonds. Lebanon County will be represented in University Park over the weekend.

Katie Knol
Katie Knol is a 2024 Penn State graduate with bachelor's degrees in journalism and political science. She has reporting experience in student-run publications The Daily Collegian and CommRadio along with NPR-affiliate stations WPSU and WITF. Born and raised in the Hershey-Palmyra area, when she isn't reporting, she can be found hanging out with her dogs and cat, baking or scrolling on TikTok.
Swatara Township moves to prepare bids for paving, oil and chip projects
Kenbrook Road will be oiled and chipped and the southern end of Old Route 22, Chestnut Street, and part of South Lancaster Street will be paved.
Union Twp. discusses culvert projects, street sweeping, new alarm system
Both the street sweeping and culvert projects will take place when the weather turns.
Palmyra Borough Council approves 2 dump truck replacement purchases
The two 10-ton dump and plow trucks will cost over $500,000, but Borough Manager Roger Powl said replacing them ahead of schedule will save the borough at least $40,000 and avoid increasing costs in the future.
Mount Gretna Borough to look into rebuilding salt storage structure
The existing salt storage structure is made of wood and is beginning to rot. Director of Public Works Bill Care said he will get pricing options and come to the council with a recommendation for the March or April meeting.
Churches, schools, hospitals discuss changes to immigration enforcement
Local Lebanon County schools, hospitals and religious institutions are reviewing their policies after federal officials removed restrictions on immigration enforcement at sensitive locations, though none report being targeted since the January changes.
Jonestown searches for more funds as curbing project becomes costlier
The estimated project costs have increased from around $1.2 million to about $1.9 million. Though most of that is covered by grants, higher costs mean the borough would have to pay more out of its own budget if it decides to move forward.
Jackson Township takes steps to repair East Main Avenue Bridge
The bridge is still safe to use, but a 2023 report suggested fixing the scour and adding rock protection to help avoid future bank erosion.
Who was Governor Dick? Mystery of peak’s name traces to enslaved worker
The most popular explanation is that Governor Dick wasn’t a governor at all, but an enslaved worker who lived and worked on the hill as a collier, or charcoal burner.
Palmyra Borough Council okays road closure for May food truck festival
The 10th annual TruckTrek will be on Saturday, May 10. West Cherry Street from South Railroad Street to South Mark Street will be closed on that day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Lebanon City Council hears updates on Coleman Memorial Park project
The connector trail to Union Canal Tunnel Park is currently under construction. David Funk, chair of the Coleman Memorial Park Board of Trustees, said the trail is already roughed in and will be paved, weather permitting, in the spring.
NFL placekicker, Cedar Crest grad Chad Ryland visits Ebenezer Elementary
Chad Ryland, Arizona Cardinals placekicker and Cedar Crest High School 2018 graduate, highlighted the importance of hard work and positivity in all areas of life.
Palmyra grad, now playing for Lafeyette, honored with 2024 Pop Kelchner Award
Tyler Mahaffey was honored during a ceremony toward the end of the year, where he said he gave a speech thanking his family and his twin brother, who he competed with and against throughout school.
Middle Creek prepares for snow geese amid avian flu concerns (Updated)
Officials at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area expect peak snow geese migration in late February or early March but urge visitors to stay in vehicles due to avian flu concerns.
Jackson Township submits permits for improved crosswalk, traffic lights
The traffic light project is expected to cost about $29,000, and the crosswalk system was quoted at around $9,200. Both payments will likely come from the general fund, according to supervisor Thomas Houtz.