In order to help taxpayers in the City of Lebanon, Mayor Sherry Capello met with City Council Monday evening to formally adopt a resolution extending the discount period for real estate tax payments.

Marylouise Sholly
Municipalities across county adjusting to “new normal” of coronavirus shutdowns
LebTown touches base with Swatara, Heidelberg, North Cornwall, North Lebanon and Bethel Townships to see how they are adapting to a “new normal.”
WellSpan joins national campaign to publicly distribute masks
Good’s Store will be assisting in the initiative locally, with all four area stores acting as drop-off points for WellSpan masks.
County commissioners approve free meals for medical personnel, real estate tax deadline pushed back
County commissioners approved a $25,000 initiative to feed healthcare workers by way of local restaurants, paid for via the county hotel tax.
Local cabinet company making & donating intubation protective gear
Snitz Creek Cabinet Shop is building plastic intubation shields to protect healthcare workers during intubation and extubation processes.
County officials confident in COVID-19 prevention efforts at LCCF; recent inmate offers differing perspective
Recently-released LCCF inmate Matt Keller claims the protocol to protect the prisoners from COVID-19 is not what it should be.
Coronavirus restrictions hit area nurseries during crucial spring season
Greenhouses and nurseries are on Governor Tom Wolf’s “life sustaining” list of acceptable businesses to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic since they sell agricultural produce, but nursery owners are finding they’re having to make some changes in order to stay viable.
Commissioners discuss COVID-19 response, extra time for real estate taxes
The Lebanon County Commissioners met by teleconference on Thursday to discuss the county’s response to COVID-19 as well as a potential relaxation of real estate tax due dates.
LCCF using social distancing protocols, no positive tests to date
Lebanon County Correctional Facility has, as of this date, prevented the introduction of the COVID-19 virus into the facility.
As PANG helps fight coronavirus, force protection at Gap a top priority
Officials at the Gap are making sure the disease does not gain a foothold at the installation, while maintaining their mission of helping where needed during this time of crisis.
Lebanon’s Kitty Town offers free bags of coffee to those impacted by COVID-19
Lebanon roaster Kitty Town Coffee is offering a free bag of coffee to anyone adversely affected by COVID-19.
Commissioners discuss shutdown, municipal building closed until 3/30
Keeping crowds of people out of the municipal building is imperative at this time to reduce the chance of infection, the commissioners explained.
Ballot approved for April primary, some changes in polling places and procedure
The Lebanon County Commissioners approved the ballot for the April 28 primary election and heard of a few changes to polling places and election procedure.
“A” rating from S&P, Commissioners recognize mental health care providers
The financial firm believes the outlook for the county to be positive due to the county’s “strengthening financial position.”
Anonymous donor wipes out lunch debt for Palmyra school kids
School lunch debts nearing $1,800 were paid recently by a group that prefers not to be identified, said Palmyra Superintendent Dr. Bernie Kepler.