The Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce is holding another Professional Development Series to provide education, training and tools to employees or anyone in the workforce who may be ready to advance to a managerial position.

Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce
Sanctuary county claim false [Paid Press Release]
A claim being made in ads on WLBR-Radio this week that Lebanon is a sanctuary county is false, according to the reelection campaign of Republican County Commissioner Bill Ames.
Bob Phillips announces endorsement of Lebanon County DA Dave Arnold [Paid Press Release]
Bob Phillips, Lebanon businessman and current County Commissioner, is honored to announce that Lebanon County District Attorney Dave Arnold has endorsed his candidacy for Lebanon County Commissioner.
Lebanon County leading the charge to end diabetes everywhere [Paid Press Release]
This Saturday will see the launch of S.T.A.M.P.E.D.E., which stands for Stick Together and Make Progress to End Diabetes Everywhere.