Which range does your age fall under? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or Above Prefer Not to Answer Select your gender: Male Female Prefer Not to Answer What is your level of education? High School/GED Some College Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Graduate or Professional Degree Prefer Not to Answer Where do you stand on the political spectrum? Far Left Left Moderate Right Far Right Not Sure Prefer Not to Answer Do you consider yourself to be a member of Lebanon County's agricultural or agribusiness community? Yes No Not Sure Prefer Not to Answer Other Since you answered "Other" above, please elaborate further here.What is your relationship to Lebanon County? I live there I lived there, but moved away I work there I visit often I’ve never been there What social networks do you use? Bluesky Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Snapchat Threads TikTok Twitter Which of these locations do you spend time in, whether you live there, work there, or visit frequently?
 (Select all that apply) Annville Township Bethel Township City of Lebanon Cleona Borough Cornwall Borough East Hanover Township Heidelberg Township Jackson Township Jonestown Borough Millcreek Township Mt. Gretna Borough Myerstown Borough North Annville Township North Cornwall Township North Lebanon Township North Londonderry Township Palmyra Borough Richland Borough South Annville Township South Lebanon Township South Londonderry Township Swatara Township Union Township West Cornwall Township West Lebanon Township How do you typically arrive at LebTown? Entering URL LebTown newsletter Search engine results Social media posts How often do you read articles from LebTown? Every day A few times a week Once a week Every now and then Rarely How did you discover LebTown?Social MediaWeb SearchWord of MouthSomeone Sent me a link to an articleOtherHow likely are you to recommend LebTown to friends or family?0 – Not At All Likely12345678910 – Extremely LikelyWhat is the single most important thing we could do to improve? Do you subscribe or donate to news publications, in print or online? Yes, I am currently a LebTown member/donor Yes, I currently subscribe/donate to news organizations other than LebTown I have been a subscriber/donor to a news publication in the past, but I do not currently subscribe/donate No, I have never been a subscriber/donor to a news publication Have you considered becoming a LebTown member in the past? What could we do to gain your support?When something happens in your community, where do you hear about it? (Check all that apply) Community center / business Church or house of worship Email newsletter Facebook group Flyers or signs in the community Instagram Library Local Nextdoor group Neighbor or friend (by text message or social media) Neighbor or friend (in-person) News website (including websites of newspapers, broadcasters, etc.) Podcast/smart speaker briefing (ie. Amazon Alexa) Printed publication (ex. newspaper, magazine or newsletter) Radio Someone specific in the community TV Twitter Other Since you answered "Other" above, please elaborate further here.What are you most interested in learning about your community? (Check all that apply) Arts features and reviews Business openings and closures Civic/government affairs including elections and politics Crime/public safety issues How to get involved with local organizations and issues, or volunteer opportunities Local deals and promotions Local economic trends, including job opportunities, cost of living and information impacting small businesses Local sports Racial and economic inequities Real estate changes including development, preservation and sales Reviews, highlights and trends regarding restaurants, bars and cafes Schools, education and parenting The views and opinions of neighbors and community leaders Things to do, including events and activities Other Since you answered "Other" above, please elaborate further here. Do you think it's important to have reporters covering local government meetings?0 – Not At All Important12345678910 – Extremely ImportantIf LebTown began publishing public notices from local municipalities on our website, would you find this useful?0 – Not At All Useful12345678910 – Extremely UsefulWhat issue facing the county is the most important or relevant to you?What type of news coverage is needed in our county? If you have any questions, or suggestions for how LebTown can better serve Lebanon County through our news coverage, please enter them below.Optional: Email*By leaving your email address, we will be able to respond to any questions you may have entered in the previous field.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.