Each and every weekend there are an abundance of events happening throughout Lebanon County.

The problem is there’s so much that sometime it’s overwhelming. In fact, here at LebTown we get sent information about so many events that giving each one in-depth coverage is just not a possibility.

However, we feel that all of these events still deserve to be posted somewhere. That’s why we’re pleased to introduce the new LebTown Weekend Planner.

But, what is the LebTown Event Planner?

That’s a great question, and I thank you for asking it.

Simply put, the LebTown Weekend Planner will be a guide to let you know what’s happening each weekend all around the Lebanon Valley.

Now, let’s say, for the sake of this exercise, that you have an event.

That’s cool, congratulations on your event.

It’s probably safe to say that you want people to come to this hypothetical event of yours. One great way to promote it is by emailing all the pertinent info to news@leb.town.

We’re looking for the who, what, why, when for your event. Who’s putting it together, what’s happening, why is it happening, and when is it? Make it nice and show off your word-smithing acumen.

Send that to us along with some pictures and we’ll throw it into the LebTown Weekend Planner.

Please format the subject of your email like this: “WEEKEND PLANNER –Your Event Name Here” (Obviously, replacing “Your Event Name Here” with your event’s name… unless that is the name of your event, in which case I just made things very easy for you).

We will try to publish as many of these events as possible. LebTown will also reserve the right to edit your submission for clarity and grammar.

We will also be using the same guidelines to vet the LebTown Weekend Planner submissions as we do for anything else that gets submitted to the site, and you can find those here.

So, whether it’s a church carnival, a banquet, or one of those shows where monkeys ride dogs like horses, be sure to send it our way!


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