⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.

Inspections are taken as a “snapshot” of the day and time, and should not necessarily be taken as overall indicators of an establishment’s cleanliness. Violations are often corrected prior to the inspector leaving the site. Restaurants were found to be in compliance unless otherwise noted.

Turkey Hill Minit Market #197

May 20, 2019 | 100 W Main St, Palmyra, PA 17078

6 – 101.11 Surface Characteristics-Indoor Areas
Observed cardboard lining floor under milk shelving unit in the walk-in cooler which is not smooth, non-porous, non-absorbent material.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Ice chutes at the fountain soda machine were observed to have pink slime residue and was not clean to sight and touch.

Tosco Pizza

May 21, 2019 \ 101 W. Lincoln Ave, Myerstown, PA 17067

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Assorted food contact items were observed to have food residue and not clean to sight and touch. Ice machine not cleaned at a frequency to prevent the presence of mold.

7 – 201.11 Separation-Storage
A working container of cleaner / sanitizer was stored above or on the same shelf with food, equipment, and/or single service articles in the prep area.

Mt. Gretna Hideaway

May 21, 2019 \ 40 Boulevard St, Mount Gretna, PA 17064

3 – 101.11 Safe, Unadulterated & Honestly Presented
OUTSIDE BAR – Observed one bottle of liquor with fruit flies in contents.

6 – 501.111 Controlling Pests
Observed more than 10 live flies in the inside kitchen.

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Observed raw beef and poultry stored over ready to eat food in the walk-in cooler.

4 – 101.19 Materials for Surfaces that are Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Observed several dishracks with excessive grooves & gray deposits on surfaces, not easily cleanable.

4 – 501.12 Cutting Surfaces
Observed deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required.

4 – 601.11(B-C) Equipment, Food-Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces, and Utensils
Observed fryer and grill with grease build-up & food accumulation on non-food contact surfaces.

Lebanon Valley Livestock Market

May 22, 2019 \ 237 Freeport Rd, Lebanon, PA 17046

3 – 501.17 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Date Marking
Commercially processed refrigerated, ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food (non-exempt cheese), located in the four door refrigerator, and held more than 24 hours, is not being marked with the date it was opened.

Lebanon Mart

May 22, 2019 \ 1610 N. 7th St, Lebanon, PA 17046

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Raw shell eggs observed stored above bottled water containers in the walk-in cooler.

Turkey Hill #42

May 23, 2019 \ 716 E. Lehman St Lebanon, PA 17046

3 – 305.14 Food Preparation
Exposed food preparation observed in areas of active construction / repair without effective protection or separation of food preparation as evidenced dust on coffee equipment and on snack cakes. Snack cakes are to be discarded.

Railroad Diner

May 23, 2019 \ 1 S. Race St, Richland, PA 17087

5 – 205.15 System Maintained in Good Repair
Plumbing system not maintained in good repair – observed drain line leaking in the basement.

Family Dollar Store #4041

May 23, 2019 \ 306 Cumberland St, Lebanon, PA 17042

6 – 501.111 Controlling Pests
Potential rodent harborage areas inside the food facility observed in the facility due to finding a dead mouse, although no other evidence was observed.

Ideal Food Basket

Found to be out of compliance.

May 24, 2019 \ 640 N. 7th St, Lebanon, PA 17046

2 – 103.11(O) Person in Charge, Duties
The managers of the facility either do not understand date marking requirements or knowingly allow improper date marking as evidenced by numerous items, specifically meat and cut produce, being date-marked incorrectly.

3 – 101.11 Safe, Unadulterated & Honestly Presented
One container of milk in dairy display cooler was five days beyond the sell-by date and two containers were three days beyond the sell-by date. Removed.

3 – 501.16(A1) Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Hot Holding
Empanadas, corn, rice and meat-filled potato balls were held at temperatures ranging from 96.9°F to 128°F, in the hot-holding deli display case, rather than 135°F or above as required. Temperature deficiencies with this equipment had been reviewed previously with the owners of this facility. Discarded items.

4 – 502.11(B) Food Temperature Measuring Devices Calibrated
Thermometers for ensuring proper food temperatures are not calibrated and/or functioning properly. Food thermometer was off by more than 30°F.

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Raw chicken was stored above raw pork in the meat display case. Corrected

Raw chicken, bacon and eggs were stored above empanadas and Pellman’s Triple Chocolate Cake in the walk-in cooler. Corrected

3 – 307.11 Miscellaneous Sources of Contamination|
Observed a mop being stored so that the head of the mop was 6 inches from the clean-side drainboard of the 3-compartment sink.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil; specifically the interior of a unused food warming cabinet that is sitting on top of the hot food display case.

2 – 401.11 Eating, Drinking or Using Tobacco
An open employee’s beverage container was observed in food prep area on a shelf directly above the stove.

3 – 304.12 In-Use Utensils, Between Use Storage
A food dispensing utensil (tongs used by consumers for a self-service bakery display) is attached to the side of the display case by a stretchable cord; observed tongs were not hung properly and touching the floor.

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
Observed food that is to be returned to vendors for credit is stored in an area where construction work is taking place and where construction materials are stored.

3 – 501.18 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Dispostion
Empanadas and trays of cooked meats, both potentially hazardous ready to eat foods requiring date marking, in the meat walk-in cooler area, were not date marked.

3 – 601.12 Honestly Presented
Packaged meat is being sold with a store label applied over the “sell by” date on the product from the manufacturer. The store’s “sell by” date is different than the original “sell by” date that the manufacturer used on the product; this is misleading to the consumer. Specifically packages of Hillshire Farms sausage dated May 9, 2019 were covered with a “special” sticker and a new label, dated May 30, 2019, was applied to the packages. Same issue was observed on 4/16/19 after a consumer complaint and reviewed with the owners of the facility. Items were discarded.

7 – 209.11 Storage-Other Personal Care Items
Employee personal items (cell phones) were observed on the food prep table 6 inches from the food preparation area and not stored in dressing rooms or identified storage area as required.

2 – 102.11(A-C1)(C4-16) Person in Charge, Demonstration
The Person in Charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection and repeat violations; specifically pertaining to properly maintaining all areas of the facility, proper cleaning and sanitizing of equipment, proper storage, proper labeling, presenting products honestly and a system for properly monitoring temperatures.

4 – 301.13 Drainboards
Not enough drainboards, utensil racks, or tables to allow for storage of soiled and/or cleaned items before and after cleaning.

4 – 903.11 (A)(C) Single-Service & Single-Use Articles, Storing
Observed food tray packages, single-service, single-use articles stored in an old alcove/receiving dock area next to the meat department that is filled with trash, debris and old unused equipment.

4 – 903.11 (A-B)(D) Equipment, Utensils and Linens, Storing
Observed clean food equipment in food prep area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).

5 – 501.15 Outside Receptacles
Outside dumpster lids are not closed.

6 – 301.11 Handwashing Cleanser, Availability
Paper towel dispenser empty at the handwash sink in the food prep 3-compartment sink area.

6 – 501.16 Drying Mops
Mops are not being hung to air dry.

Union House Taproom & Livery

May 28, 2019 \ 12 E Main St, Richland, PA 17087

6 – 303.11 Intensity-Lighting
The light intensity in the walk-in cooler / dry storage area is not at least 10 foot candles

Sheet #370

May 28, 2019 \ 195 Rocherty Road, Lebanon, PA 17042

6 – 501.111 Controlling Pests
Observed evidence of insect activity (less than 10 live flies) on ceiling above the the fryer area.

46.1201 (c) Posting of certificate
The food facility does not have the certificate for the certified food protection manager posted in public view.

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
Observed a shelving rack with bagged rolls stored next to the handwash sink where it is subject to splash.

Dairy Queen West #10430

May 28, 2019 \ 2600 W Cumberland St, Lebanon, PA 17042

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Observed dried ice cream residue on sides of soft serve ice cream machines.

4 – 501.12 Surfaces
Observed deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required.

Dragon Garden Restaurant

May 30, 2019 \ 535 Cumberland St, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 501.17 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Date Marking
A few items of potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 48 hours, located in the refrigerator, is not being date marked.

6 – 301.11 Handwashing Cleanser, Availability
The handwash sink in the rest room area does not have single use towels, continuous towels, or air drying device.

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