This letter to the editor was submitted to LebTown. Read our submission policy here.

The coronavirus pandemic and the government policies implemented in reaction to it, have taken a tremendous toll on our economy.

In the past weeks, approximately 1.5 million Pennsylvanians and 22 million Americans have lost their jobs.

The national unemployment rate is rapidly approaching 20%, a shocking level not seen since the Great Depression.

Every Pennsylvanian has been affected by lock-down orders and many families are finding it nearly impossible to make ends meet in the current situation.

That is why it was so astounding to learn that the Palmyra Area School Board is actively considering raising property taxes in the near future.

On a remote Zoom meeting last week a majority of school board members stated that they were in favor of moving forward with a proposed budget which would raise property taxes on every Palmyra area homeowner by the highest percentage allowed by law.

These members all stated that it was “important to keep all options on the table.”

This leaves one to wonder how in the world a property tax increase is even considered an “option” given the dire economic situation we face.

Have these school board members taken self-quarantining to such an extreme extent that they are completely oblivious to the human destruction taking place all around them?

During a crisis like this, it is especially important that we hold our elected leaders accountable.

We cannot forget the incredible impact the decisions they make have on all of our daily lives.

Especially when they have, obviously, forgotten it themselves.

Casey Long is chairman of the Lebanon County Republican Committee and a resident of North Londonderry Township.

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