⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.

Inspections are taken as a “snapshot” of the day and time, and should not necessarily be taken as overall indicators of an establishment’s cleanliness. Violations are often corrected prior to the inspector leaving the site. Restaurants were found to be in compliance unless otherwise noted.

M & N Deli Meat Market, Inc.

June 30, 2020 | 201 Lehman St., Lebanon, PA 17046

4 – 101.11 Characteristics – Materials for Construction and Repair
Several clear plastic food containers were cracked and broken. Discarded.

4 – 302.14 Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
Food facility is not using available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine sanitizer concentration. Facility has two packages of test strips, but neither package had been opened.

6 – 303.11 Intensity-Lighting
The light intensity in the food preparation area is not adequate.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces, specifically the handles of a 3-door freezer, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

Ulrich’s Farm

July 1, 2020 | 2172 Heidelberg Ave., Newmanstown, PA 17073

3 – 201.11(B) Food Prepared in a Private Home
Food Facility is offering for sale honey from an unapproved private home.

Chen’s House

July 1, 2020 | 1510 Cumberland St., Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 501.17 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Date Marking
Items in the walk-in cooler are not dated.

6 – 301.11 Handwashing Cleanser, Availability
Paper towel dispensers empty at both of the handwash sinks in the prep area. Corrected.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces and Utensils
A container of knives and other utensils under a prep table, all food contact surfaces, were observed to have food residue and were not clean to sight and touch. Cleaned.

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Raw shell eggs were stored above cabbage in the walk-in cooler.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces, specifically the faucet handles of two handwashing sinks in the food prep area, are not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

4 – 903.11 (A-B)(D) Equipment, Utensils and Linens, Storing
Observed clean food equipment and/or utensils in the prep area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).

4 – 904.11 Single-Service & Single-Use Articles, Preventing Contamination
Deli containers and tin cans are being used as scoops in the dry ingredients rather than durable scoops with handles.

4 – 101.11 Characteristics – Materials for Construction and Repair
Cardboard is used under ingredients is dirty. Cardboard is not a durable cleanable surface.

Mini Golf Connect

July 1, 2020 | 1400 Maple St., Lebanon, PA 17046

4 – 204.112 Design & Functionality of Temperature Measuring Devices
Temperature measuring device for ensuring proper temperature of refrigerator is not available.

Want to know more about the inspection process? Start here.

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