⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.

Inspections are taken as a “snapshot” of the day and time, and should not necessarily be taken as overall indicators of an establishment’s cleanliness. Violations are often corrected prior to the inspector leaving the site. Restaurants were found to be in compliance unless otherwise noted.

Subway Restaurant

September 24, 2020 | 901 E. Main St., Palmyra, PA 17078

4 – 903.11 (A-B)(D) Equipment, Utensils and Linens, Storing
Observed clean food equipment and/or utensils in * area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (stacked wet).

Mount Gretna Craft Brewery

September 24, 2020 | 2701 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
Walk in cooler ceiling has residue accumulations and buckling at panel juncture.

4 – 302.14 Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration. Chlorine strips are needed for dish and glass washers.

6 – 201.11 Floors, Walls, & Ceilings-Cleanability
Paint is peeled and damaged exposing raw concrete surfaces in kitchen area. Wooden floor ramp to beer garden has exposed raw wood and is not easily clean able.

Infinito’s Buffet #09

September 24, 2020 | 1725 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042

4 – 903.11 (A-B)(D) Equipment, Utensils and Linens, Storing
Observed clean food equipment dish area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Ice machine not cleaned at a frequency to prevent the presence of mold.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces, such as handles, pulls, and knobs, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

Francisco’s Pizza

September 24, 2020 | 139 E. Main St., Fredericksburg, PA 17026

2 – 402.11 Effectiveness-Hair Restraints
Food employee observed in prep area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as net or hat.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces, shelving by 3 bay sink, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

Kugo Steak House

September 25, 2020 | 1723 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

6 – 303.11 Intensity-Lighting
Missing flourescent tubes in the kitchen resultin the the light intensity in the food preparation area is not at least 50 foot candles.

6 – 501.12 Cleaning, Frequency and Restrictions
Litter and debris under and around equipment.

Berry Patch Bed & Breakfast

September 25, 2020 | 115 Moore Rd., Lebanon, PA 17046

6 – 501.111 Controlling Pests
Baseboard has a hole behind storage shelf in corner of the room indicating access to vermin.

6 – 501.115 Prohibiting Animals
Observed animal food dish on floor in kitchen, indicating the presence of a live animal on the premise of the food facility.

A & M Pizza

September 25, 2020 | 626 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042

6 – 501.12 Cleaning, Frequency and Restrictions
Frequency of cleaning in corners and under shelves in the walk-in is not enough.

4 – 101.11 Characteristics – Materials for Construction and Repair
A plastic scoop used for dry ingredients had been damaged and was missing pieces. Discarded.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
The fan covers on the evaporator in the walk-in cooler, non-food contact surfaces, are not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

Lickdale General Store

September 28, 2020 | 11 Lickdale Rd., Jonestown, PA 17038

6 – 501.111 Controlling Pests
Food facility inspection indicates evidence of insect activity in ice cream areas. 10 small winged insects observed on wall and around fruit.

7 – 201.11 Separation-Storage
Observed sanitizer solution bottle stored on ice machine over hopper area.

Harding Elementary School Cafeteria

September 28, 2020 | 622 Chestnut St., Lebanon, PA 17042

6 – 202.15 Outer Openings, Protected
Side door located on the eastern side of the facility has a gap that does not protect against the entry of insects, rodents and other animals.

6 – 501.111 Controlling Pests
The facility employs a Pest Control Service and the Pest Control Operator conducts regular inspections, however several deficiencies were noted. Two of the PCO’s recommendations have been on every report since February 11, 2020. “Trash and debris collecting around trash cans can cause unsanitary conditions and attraction by pests” and “Door gaps can allow pest access. Please ensure exterior doors are properly sealed.” When the PCO lists recommendations on the report, it is incumbent upon the facility to take corrective action to address the findings; this is apparently not being done. The list of authorized chemicals provided by the PCO is from 2013/2014; it is an all-inclusive listing of chemicals that the PCO uses rather than a specific list of chemicals that are permitted to be used at this facility, and it is not signed by the facility or by the PCO. Product labels and Safety Data Sheets are not available in the PCO’s binder. The PCO’s certificate of insurance is dated 9/6/2019. The copies of licensed applicators’ Pennsylvania licenses provided by the Pest Control Service is not legible except for one individual’s license. The sightings log showed sightings of pests twice on September 8 and three times on September 25. One roach was observed on one glue board at the time of this inspection.

Greek Town Pizza

September 28, 2020 | 542 Walnut St., Lebanon, PA 17042

5 – 501.115 Maintaining Refuse Areas and Enclosures
The grease collection container and the pavement around grease container are not being cleaned at a frequency needed to prevent accumulation of grease.

6 – 301.11 Handwashing Cleanser, Availability
Paper towel dispenser empty at the handwash sink in the prep/service area.

6 – 501.11 Repairing-Premises, Structures, Attachments & Fixtures-Methods
Old unused equipment stored in basement area, should be removed from food facility.

4 – 602.13 Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
The floor of the walk-in cooler, a non-food contact surface, is not being cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

3 – 304.12 In-Use Utensils, Between Use Storage
Observed a plastic cup being used as food dispensing utensil in a container of tuna salad; all parts of the cup were in the food. A durable utensil with a handle should be used. Corrected.

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
Observed food storage containers directly on the floor in the walk-in cooler, rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required.

3 – 403.11 Reheating for Hot Holding
Beef gravy, food which had been cooled, was being reheated in the hot holding equipment for hot holding and not to 165°F for 15 seconds as required.

6 – 501.114 Maintaining Premises, Unnecessary Items and Litter
The basement storage area, where food containers are stored, is not cleaned at a frequency to prevent the accumulation of rubbish and other debris.

Schwalm’s Cleona Restaurant

September 29, 2020 | 213 E. Penn Ave., Cleona, PA 17042

4 – 601.11(B-C) Equipment, Food-Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces, and Utensils
Observed top of equipment and fan in prep area, with an accumulation of dust, dirt, on non-food contact surfaces.

Roquez Convenience Store & Grocery

September 29, 2020 | 37 N. 9th St., Lebanon, PA 17046

3 – 306.11 Food Display-Protecting Contamination by Consumers
Observed consumer self-service display of food without effective protection. Items were removed and will not be sold in the future.

Giant Food #6098

September 29, 2020 | 481 W. Penn Ave., Cleona, PA 17042

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Food containers in produce area were observed to have food residue and were not clean to sight and touch.

3 – 501.16(A2)(B) Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Cold Holding
Deli meat and cheese were allowed to rise above 41°F during slicing and packaging, and found to be 44-50°F.

4 – 903.11 (A-B)(D) Equipment, Utensils and Linens, Storing
Observed clean food containers in produce area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).

Comfort Food & Cupcakes MFF Type 4

September 29, 2020 | 325 N. College St., Palmyra, PA 17078

5 – 205.15 System Maintained in Good Repair
Plumbing system not maintained in good repair – observed water leaking at the hand wash sink.

China Moon

September 29, 2020 | 457 W. Penn Ave., Cleona, PA 17042

6 – 501.12 Cleaning, Frequency and Restrictions
Litter and debris under and around equipment.

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Raw chicken was stored above produce in the walk in box.

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
Observed various containers of food stored directly on the floor, rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required. Observed bags of rice stored by hand sink, and subject to splash during hand washing.

4 – 501.14 Warewashing Equipment, Cleaning Frequency
3 bay sink observed with build up of filth and food residue and not cleaned before use, and frequently throughout the day.

American Legion Post #831

September 29, 2020 | 155 Palmyra Rd., Palmyra, PA 17078

4 – 101.19 Materials for Surfaces that are Nonfood-Contact Surfaces
Plastic protective shipping wrap on kitchen freezer is peeling and damaged.

3 – 303.12 Storage or Display of Food in Contact with Water or Ice
Observed the ice used for consumer drinks in contact with the soda cooling lines in the ice bins in the bar area.

Palmyra Natural Food Store

September 30, 2020 | 120 E. Main St., Palmyra, PA 17078

3 – 602.11 Food Labels
Eggs purchased from supplier are not properly labeled. Provided guidelines.

Want to know more about the inspection process? Start here.


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