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The League of Women Voters of the Harrisburg Area (LWVHA) conducted a Candidates’ Forum for the PA 48th Senatorial District on Tuesday, April 20. PennLive had a very informative article about this Forum on April 21. However, the article was then updated by Mr. Christopher Gebhard’s response regarding his absence from this forum in which he stated that he had a conflict for that night. Mr. Gebhard is the Republican candidate for the 48th District.

LWVHA invited all four candidates running for this vacant seat to participate in a Forum, and we asked each to provide dates they were available during the week of April 12. Three of the four responded, but Mr. Gebhard did not respond. Then we asked for availability the week of April 19. Again three candidates responded, but Mr. Gebhard did not.

LWVHA then selected a date suitable to the three candidates who replied. LWVHA would gladly have selected a date that suited Mr. Gebhard’s schedule if he had contacted us to discuss his availability. In that he never contacted us, it was impossible for us to select a date to suit his schedule.

Our League very much wanted all four candidates to present their views to the public. The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any candidate or political party. Our purpose is to provide non-partisan information to the voters so that they can make informed decisions when they cast their ballots.

We regret that Mr. Gebhard did not communicate with us to enable us to choose a time for the forum that was suitable to him and the other three candidates. I want to be very clear that the League of Women Voters tried very hard to have Mr. Gebhard participate.

Shirley McCormick is President of the League of Women Voters of the Harrisburg Area.

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