After its cancellation last year due to the ongoing pandemic, the Sweep the Streets basketball tournament will be returning Aug. 7 and 8 at Coleman’s Park.

16 teams will be competing in the 5-on-5 double-elimination tournament, with all players aged 18 or older.

As of June 28, there were three team spots remaining, and interested parties were asked to message the Sweep the Streets Facebook Page or call (717) 926-7314 to register.

The lead sponsor of the tournament is Lebanon business Christman’s Funeral Home (which also has a column on LebTown).

“This tournament is a healthy, sports activity focused on all the right things; preparation, hard work, and teamwork working toward a goal,” said Greg Vaitl of Christman’s Funeral Home in a press release. “A community event like this is easy for us to support.”

Emily Bixler was born and raised in Lebanon and now reports on local government. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and going for hikes.

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