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The Brandts also began the tradition of an Art the Inn event, where local artists set up on the grounds to market their wares — from soaps to food to clothing — to visitors.
The Cornwall Inn, located at 50 Burd Coleman Rd., opened Brandt’s Ice Cream Parlor June 26, the same day as June’s Art the Inn.
Since then, the ice cream parlor has been open Friday through Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. every week. It will stay open until the end of August, as the Brandts primarily focus on weddings hosted at the inn during the fall and spring.
“It’s hard to be mad or upset in an ice cream shop,” said Faith, noting how successful the parlor has been thus far. “People just love coming in, and we see a lot of repeat customers.”
The Brandts strive to promote local business, both in the art market and the ice cream parlor. For one, their ice cream comes from Kreider Farms in Manheim.
“It’s local and it’s delicious, can’t go wrong with that,” said Faith.
They also source much of their menu from locally grown organic ingredients, including vegetables from their own home garden.
What they don’t grow themselves they try to buy local, including meats from Groff’s in Elizabethtown.
For the most part, the Brandts’ first year of commercially running the Cornwall Inn was during tight pandemic restrictions. With most restrictions lifted, they have found that not only are they finding success with the ice cream parlor, but they will also be able to host more populated weddings this fall.
“It’s getting easier,” said Dan of how things have changed since he and Faith first started running the inn.
“Before, it was a lot of hurdles to climb through,” Faith added. “Now everyone’s counts will be more normalized. There’s still going to be travel restrictions for some people but so far, it’s been better.”
While the ice cream parlor will close for the season at the end of the month, Art the Inn will continue into the fall season.
In addition to a wide array of vendors, Art the Inn also features live entertainment. At the July 31 event, aerialist Haley Stardust and acoustic musician Joey Pahl both performed.
The next art the Inn will take place Saturday, Aug. 21, and the ice cream parlor will be open until the end of the month.
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Emily Bixler was born and raised in Lebanon and now reports on local government. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and going for hikes.
More by Emily Bixler