LebTown is featuring a different Lebanon County pet each Friday to help us enter the weekend with the best vibes possible.

This week’s pet is none other than the still-unidentified wallaby spotted wandering around Lebanon County this past week in the vicinity of Mount Zion.

Read More: Wallaby safely caught in northern Lebanon County after week of sightings

This marsupial hopped into our hearts as it meandered through northern Lebanon County backyards and farmland.

Alas, what could have turned into a Homeward Bound-style odyssey came to an abrupt close as the Pennsylvania Game Commission stepped in, rescuing the animal for safekeeping and suggesting that it was unlikely in any case that the former owner of the indigenously Australian mammal had the proper ownership paperwork for their supposed companion to begin with.

Although the wallaby remains without a name, for us it simply adds to the draw of this event.

For those unfamiliar with the species, a wallaby is a mid-sized marsupial mammal belonging to the kangaroo family, Macropodidae.

Happy trails, Lebanon County wallaby. Congratulations on being named LebTown’s Pet of the Week!

Looking for a pet? Check out available adoptions at the Humane Society of Lebanon County.

To nominate your pet, email pets@lebtown.com and include:

  • Your name and your pet’s name
  • Pet’s breed if applicable
  • A little about your pet and why they should be “Pet of the Week”
  • And of course—pictures! Feel free to send attachments or a link to an online storage service.

LebTown’s Previous Pets of the Week

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