For an evening of nontraditional trick-or-treating, come to the parking lot across from Funck’s Palmyra, at 664 W. Main St., Palmyra, on Oct. 28 from 6 to 8 p.m.

At the “Trunk or Treat” event hosted by Funck’s, adults will decorate their cars and give candy to trick-or-treaters.

The event is free, but participants are asked to bring candy to hand out.

“We look forward to a fun celebration with our community, and we hope to see you there,” says the event’s Facebook page description.

A flier for the “Trunk or Treat.”

Know of any upcoming community events like this one? Send us a message below with more information.

Emily Bixler was born and raised in Lebanon and now reports on local government. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and going for hikes.

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