I was once told that nothing happens if you don’t have a compelling product with a compelling story that wins out in the marketplace of ideas and gets people to act. I’d like to share my story.

My drive, passion, vision, commitment, and energy focus on clean water and farm preservation.

Why? As a child, my mother took me swimming at Lions (Ebenezer) Lake. A few days later, I’d develop boils on my arms, calves, or in my ears. It turns out the lake water was contaminated by pig manure in the stream feeding water to the lake. As an adult, I served as president of the Swatara Watershed Association for 30+ years with a mantra of “Clean Water.” One of the many great projects we adopted was to plant trees along streams creating riparian buffers to shade and cool water, and hold banks in place with tree roots.

Today that pig farm would have a Conservation Plan reviewed by the Conservation District. Most of my time as a commissioner, I’ve been the liaison to the Conservation District that oversees those Conservation Plans, National Pollution Discharge Permits… and Farmland Preservation. Farms are an integral part of rural Pennsylvania, for their open space, groundwater recharge, crops they grow on some of the most fertile soil in America, right here in the breadbasket of America. During this last term, we hit 20,000 preserved acres in Lebanon County, but there’s more to come. We’re looking at partnering with several large organizations willing to provide grants for us to match with local and state dollars. There are also people including the preservation program in their wills. Bottom line, in the next term, the potential is there for Lebanon County to put a real dent into our waiting list of farmers interested in preserving their farms. This is huge, and with your investment in my campaign, I can continue to steer the ship to help preserve our quality of life.

If you haven’t heard me say this before, I also believe in investing in seven-generation projects that will benefit future generations of children. Clean water and Farmland Preservation are two such programs. Other similar programs that fall into this category include the Camp Rocky Creek purchase, preservation, and a management partnership with the Lebanon YMCA, management of Governor Dick, as well as the Lebanon Valley Rail Trail.

That being said, whether shared in person, in newsletters, or on Facebook or YouTube, I hope you can imagine the value of such programs as well as the change I hope to see in this world. If this sounds pretty important, I would consider it a great honor if you would help to build my team with a contribution to both preserve our quality of life and make this lasting change. If you do, I promise to devote the rest of my service, spirit, energy, and faith into making this shared vision we have of a better future into a reality.

Unfortunately, our political system is mostly broken, but the fact that candidates have to go out and convince millions of people to get out and pull a lever for them matters. This communication defines the terms of the debate; it also defines what issues will and won’t get addressed, as well as accountability.

I know making change is good and important. So let’s divide and conquer – you donate money, and I’ll keep on making change. And if you can lend some of your smarts to the change I’m trying to make, well that’s even better. But most of the time, we both keep on doing what we’re best at, and if we keep on working together, the world will be a better place.

P.S. I’d like to tell you about the change I hope to see in the world. Together, we can build momentum and excitement and a movement. If this idea is worth supporting then jump in with both feet and support it with your time and money, and by telling your friends it is worth supporting. Together we can create a tribe of connected, engaged, passionate evangelists for this cause in order to amplify the change we hope to see in this world. Thank you.

Paid by Team Litz, 2302 Guilford St., Lebanon PA 17046. A check in any amount is most welcome. PayPal is at www.JoEllenLitz.net.

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