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Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.

Inspections are taken as a “snapshot” of the day and time, and should not necessarily be taken as overall indicators of an establishment’s cleanliness. Violations are often corrected prior to the inspector leaving the site. Restaurants were found to be in compliance unless otherwise noted.

Dunkin Donuts

December 5, 2023 | 1950 Quentin Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042

2 – 402.11 Effectiveness-Hair Restraints
Food employee was observed in the food preparation area not wearing a proper hair restraint.

Kugo Steak House

December 11, 2023 | 1723 Quentin Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 304.12 In-Use Utensils, Between-Use Storage
Scoop was being stored in the ice storage container with the handle touching the ice.

3 – 304.14 Wiping Cloths, Use Limitations
Observed wet wiping cloths in the kitchen not being stored in sanitizer solution.

4 – 602.13 Non-food Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces (hood filters) were not cleaned at a frequency to preclude the accumulation of grease.

Holiday Inn & Express

December 11, 2023 | 3 Everest Ln, Jonestown, PA 17038

6 – 301.12 Hand Drying Provision
The handwash sink in the kitchen does not have single-use towels, continuous towels, or an air drying device.

Boyer’s Tavern

December 11, 2023 | 285 Rexmont Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 603.11 Consumption of Animal Foods That are Raw, Undercooked, or Not Otherwise Processed to Eliminate Pathogens
Burgers and steaks are served undercooked to the customer’s request; however, a written consumer advisory (on the menu, table tent, or placard) is not provided to the consumer.

4 – 501.12 Cutting Surfaces
Observed deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required.

Ideal Food Basket

December 12, 2023 | 640 N 7th St, Lebanon, PA 17046

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging, and Segregation
Raw chicken was stored above raw beef and/or pork in the walk-in cooler used by the prepared food department and in the walk-in cooler used by the meat department.

4 – 302.14 Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
At the time of the inspection, the meat department did not have available sanitizer test strips to determine the appropriate sanitizer concentration.

5 – 205.15 System Maintained in Good Repair
The drain line under the handwashing sink in the food service area was leaking at the start of the inspection. The drain under the three-compartment sink in the food prep area was clogged with food debris. The water was running across the floor to another drain.

6 – 501.11 Repairing-Premises, Structures, Attachments, and Fixtures-Methods
An extension cord in the food receiving area was frayed in two spots.

7 – 102.11 Common Name-Working Containers
One spray bottle, a working container in the meat cutting area, used for storing chemicals/cleaners taken from bulk supplies, was not marked with the common name of the chemical.

Francisco’s Pizza

December 12, 2023 | 139 E Main St, Fredericksburg, PA 17026

4 – 302.12 Food Temperature Measuring Devices Provided
Thermometers for ensuring proper temperatures of food are not available or readily accessible.

4 – 302.14 Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kits to determine the appropriate sanitizer concentration.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Non-food Contact Surfaces and Utensils
The interior of the ice machine, a food contact surface, was observed to have mold and was not clean to sight and touch.

Blue Bird Inn

December 12, 2023 | 2387 Cornwall Rd, Cornwall, PA 17016

3 – 501.16(A1) Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Hot Holding
Beef chili was held at 105°F in a hot holding unit rather than 135°F or above as required.

4 – 501.12 Cutting Surfaces
Observed deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required.

4 – 602.13 Non-food Contact Surfaces
Non-food contact surfaces (walk-in cooler fan guards) were not cleaned at a frequency to preclude the accumulation of dust.

Sunoco A Plus

December 13, 2023 | 2520 Quentin Rd, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 202.12 Additives
Food facility is using or offering for sale gummies containing THC, an unapproved additive.

Hardee’s #1383178

December 13, 2023 | 198 W Lincoln Ave, Myerstown, PA 17067

2 – 102.11(A-C1)(C4-16) Person in Charge, Demonstration
The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of the requirements of the food code, as evidenced by the operating of the facility with an imminent health hazard present.

5 – 205.15 System Maintained in Good Repair
Plumbing system was not maintained in good repair – observed raw sewage coming out of the floor drain in the men’s restroom when the toilet was flushed and running water in the handwash sink.


December 13, 2023 | 1032 S 5th Ave, Lebanon, PA 17042

2 – 402.11 Effectiveness-Hair Restraints
Food employees observed in the food preparation area not wearing proper hair restraints, such as nets, hats, or beard covers.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Non-food Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Can opener blade, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.

Black Diamond Restaurant, LLC

December 14, 2023 | 607 Cumberland St, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 501.17 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Date Marking
Potentially hazardous ready-to-eat food prepared in the food facility needs to be dated for a maximum of seven days. Note: Adding six days to the date an item is made will give the correct date for the final date to be used or the date to be discarded.

4 – 302.14 Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kits to determine the appropriate sanitizer concentration.

4 – 501.114 Mechanical or Manual Warewashing Equipment, Chemical Sanitization
Facility needs to obtain sanitizer prior to opening.

5 – 501.17 Toilet Room Receptacle, Covered
Employee toilet rooms and women’s toilet rooms are not provided with covered waste receptacles for sanitary napkins.

6 – 301.11 Handwashing Cleanser, Availability
Paper towel dispenser was missing at the handwash sink in the prep area and the employee toilet room.

Want to know more about the inspection process? Start here.

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