⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.

Inspections are taken as a “snapshot” of the day and time, and should not necessarily be taken as overall indicators of an establishment’s cleanliness. Violations are often corrected prior to the inspector leaving the site. Restaurants were found to be in compliance unless otherwise noted.


December 15, 2023 | 35 S 8th St, Lebanon, PA 17042

4 – 501.12 Cutting Surfaces
Observed one scored cutting board not resurfaced or discarded as required.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Non-food Contact Surfaces and Utensils
A drawer full of clean food utensils, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Note: PIC stated that many of the utensils are no longer used in the facility. Obsolete items should be stored at another location so that cleaning can be completed properly and at the needed frequency.

B&A Paradise Pizza

December 15, 2023 | 700 Reinoel St, Lebanon, PA 17046

4 – 903.11 (A-B)(D) Equipment, Utensils and Linens, Storing
Observed clean food equipment in the storage area stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting). PIC will work on improved training.

Dollar General Store #13229

December 18, 2023 | 507 Jonestown Rd, Jonestown, PA 17038

No violations found.

Burger King #620

December 18, 2023 | 2040 W Cumberland St, Lebanon, PA 17042

No violations found.

Redner’s Warehouse MKT #86

December 19, 2023 | 2975 Route 22, Fredericksburg, PA 17026

6 – 301.14 Handwashing Signage
No sign or poster posted at the handwash sink in the deli preparation area to remind food employees to wash their hands. No sign or poster posted at the handwash sink in the meat preparation area to remind food employees to wash their hands.

Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel

December 19, 2023 | 101 E Main St, Fredericksburg, PA 17026

2 – 401.11 Eating, Drinking, or Using Tobacco
Food employee observed eating or tasting food in the kitchen.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Non-food Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Interior of the ice machine, a food contact surface, was observed to have mold and was not clean to sight and touch.

Snitz Creek Brewery

December 20, 2023 | 2701 Horseshoe Pike, Palmyra, PA 17078

5 – 501.17 Toilet Room Receptacle, Covered
Women’s toilet room is not provided with a covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins.

6 – 301.12 Hand Drying Provision
The handwash sink in the bar area does not have single-use towels, continuous towels, or air drying device.

6 – 301.14 Handwashing Signage
No sign or poster posted at the handwash sink in the bar area to remind food employees to wash their hands.

Jonestown/Hershey NE KOA

December 20, 2023 | 11 Lickdale Rd, Jonestown, PA 17038

3 – 501.13 Thawing Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food
Beef observed thawing at room temperature in the three-compartment sink, which is not an approved thawing method.

4 – 302.12 Food Temperature Measuring Devices Provided
Thermometers for ensuring proper temperatures of food are not available or readily accessible.

6 – 301.12 Hand Drying Provision
The handwash sink in the restroom does not have single-use towels, continuous towels, or air drying device.

Family Dollar Store #4041

December 20, 2023 | 306 Cumberland St, Lebanon, PA 17042

2 – 201.11(A-C)(E) Responsibility of Permit Holder, Person in Charge and Conditional Employees
Facility had an imminent health hazard situation, a sewage back-up that spilled across the floor, creating an unsanitary condition for employees and the public. The facility failed to immediately discontinue operations and notify the regulatory authority.

6 – 501.114 Maintaining Premises, Unnecessary Items and Litter
Sewage water remained on the floor of the facility a day after the clogged toilet was repaired.

Mama Juana

December 21, 2023 | 39 N 9th St, Lebanon, PA 17046

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging, and Segregation
Raw chicken was stored above raw beef in the walk-in cooler. Corrected.

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
A five-gallon pail of food was stored in front of the handwashing sink, where it was subject to splash from handwashing.

3 – 501.17 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Date Marking
Food being prepared in the facility is date-marked; however, some items are marked with the date the item was made, and others are marked with a “use by” date. The facility needs to use only one method of dating food. One item was marked with a date that exceeds seven days. Manager of the facility needs to properly train employees on how to date items.

3 – 501.19 Time as a Public Health Control
Time in lieu of temperature being used in the food facility to control ready-to-eat potentially hazardous foods without written procedures or documentation to verify the disposition of food.

5 – 202.12 Handwashing Sinks, Installation
The hot water faucet in the prep area is not working.

Want to know more about the inspection process? Start here.

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