For Sale

Open House! 301 and 303 S. 9th Street, Lebanon. Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Beautifully remodeled homes, reasonably priced at $155,000 each! Homes must be owner occupied and are eligible for the first-time home buyers program. Visit for more information or call 717-274-2577.

For sale by owner: Move-in ready three-bedroom, one bath brick ranch near South Hills Park. Cornwall-Lebanon School District/Cedar Crest schools. Includes appliances, refurbished hardwood in bedrooms, freshly painted. 1013 South First Avenue, Lebanon. Asking $235,000. By appointment. Please call 717-644-1105.


AWK Consulting Engineers, Inc. is soliciting bids for a geophysical investigation of the shallow subsurface conditions below S.R. 0422, Sections 044 and 045 in North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County. The geophysical investigation will extend from the driveway entrance for MGD Tractor & Equipment and extend approximately 300 feet to the west. The width of the investigation will extend from outside shoulder to outside shoulder of the roadway. Bids should be submitted to: Ed Smith, AWK Consulting Engineers, Inc., Bids must be received by January 26, 2024.


Take your own photos at DDC Portrait Studio’s Valentines In-Studio Snapshot Spot. By appointment only. Jan. 21 to Feb. 9. Located just south of Jonestown: 443 Mountville Drive, Lebanon, PA 17046. Details:


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