This article was funded by LebTown donors as part of our Civic Impact Reporting Project.

The East Hanover Township Board of Supervisors heard public comment regarding the township’s revised comprehensive plan at its meeting Monday.

Resident Bob Adams voiced his opposition to the plan which suggests, but does not mandate, the rezoning of land including his farm to light industrial (LI).

Recommended zoning changes have received considerable feedback from residents since the plan’s draft was advertised in public hearings and monthly planning commission meetings.

The plan includes the recommendation to rezone general commercial properties south of US 22 and west of Mill Road to LI as well as some Industrial properties, with some LI sites east of SR 934 rezoned for industrial use.

“I feel you’re taking value away from me,” said Adams, referencing the change in permitted uses on the property.

East Hanover’s new comprehensive plan, last updated in 2019, was adopted in August after the board and the township’s planning commission heard public comment throughout the year.

Notably, a comprehensive plan is purely an advisory document, so its passage did not mean its zoning recommendations were adopted. However, supervisors will consider making the changes recommended at its October monthly meeting.

The board announced that a public hearing will be held for zoning amendments prior to its October monthly meeting at 7 p.m. The hearing will be held at the township building at 1117 School House Road.

The amendments were advertised at a special meeting that was held by the supervisors Sept. 23 to discuss accessory apartments and elder cottage housing. However, those topics are not addressed by the amendments as they are still under review by the planning commission.

In other news, the board:

  • Heard thanks from the Annville Free Library for the township’s donation to the library, which recently underwent significant renovations.
  • Unanimously agreed to a $3,600 quote from Little Mountain Concrete to construct a 20- by 40-foot concrete pad at the H.M. Levitz Memorial Park. The pad, materials donated by Pennsy Supply, will be used as a recreation area.
  • Unanimously approved a minor land development plan at 10630 Allentown Blvd. at the recommendation of the planning commission. The plan includes an additional 14,000-square-foot shop and some paving.
  • Unanimously authorized a time extension to the Kreider Farms land development plan.
  • Unanimously approved a “breakfast with Santa” event at the H.M. Levitz Memorial Park Dec. 14.
  • Discussed and approved items concerning property maintenance violations.
  • Unanimously agreed to adopt the county Trick of Treat date of Oct. 31.
  • Unanimously authorized the payment of bills.
  • Unanimously approved minutes of its Aug. 26 and Sept. 23 meetings.

The board meets the last Monday of each month at 1117 School House Road. These meetings are open to the public and do not require prior registration.

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Emily Bixler was born and raised in Lebanon and now reports on local government. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and going for hikes.


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