Saturday’s sunny, breezy weather was perfect for Coleman Park’s Harvest Festival.

Visitors roam Coleman Park at Saturday’s Harvest Festival.

Friends of Coleman Park member Greg Fry said that while he didn’t know the exact numbers, he was “very happy” with turnout for the 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. event.

Kids had plenty to do at the festival, with a bounce house, scare-crow making, face painting, a hay ride, and more.

The event saw a mix of vendors from medical organizations to local nonprofits and community groups.

Tents set up at the Harvest Festival.

Many vendors had entertainment or gifts for visitors who stopped by.

DJs kept up the mood with a wide range of music, and food trucks kept attendees fed and happy.

“I’ve seen smiles on everybody’s faces,” said Fry. “I’m very pleased with how everything turned out and we’ve already started to plan for next year.”

Fry went on to thank the community for coming out to the event, meant to promote the park.

While organizers Friends of Coleman Park and Making A Difference of Lebanon, PA initially planned to charge entry, Fry explained that they received enough donations and sponsorships to open the event up to the public at no charge.

The event’s proceeds will go toward improvements for Coleman Park.

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Emily Bixler was born and raised in Lebanon and now reports on local government. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and going for hikes.


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