Yet another reason to go organic?

LebTown Staff
🔗 The Sun rises again in Campbelltown
The Lebanon Daily News speaks with Alan Funck about the newly-renovated Rising Sun in Campbelltown.
Quentin Riding Club will meet on December 28 to vote on next steps
The Quentin Riding Club will meet December 28 to discuss and vote on its fate, as it currently sits in limbo status after ceasing operations earlier this year.
Broken Kisses yet another reason to make the right choice: Wilbur Buds
This holiday season, avoid the Hershey Kiss tip controversy entirely by choosing a better substitute: Wilbur Buds.
Penny Marshall’s ‘A League of Their Own’ featured Lebanon’s Jaynne Bittner, who made history in nation’s first national female sports league
Actor and director Penny Marshall’s ‘A League of Their Own’ told the story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, which Lebanon woman Jaynne Bitnner participated in from 1948 to 1954.
Lebanon County misses out in second phase of medical marijuana dispensary permitting process
Lebanon County did not receive any new permits for medical marijuana dispensaries in phase II of the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s dispensary permitting process.
Annville man fatally shot while fleeing state police in East Hanover Township
Annville man Mitchell James Hammer, 27, died today at the Hershey Medical Center after being transported there following being shot while fleeing state police outside Grantville.
Lebanon Mayor Sherry Capello and state officials hold press conference on Keystone Main Street designation
City of Lebanon Mayor Sherry Capello along with other state and local officials spoke this afternoon at a press conference in the Lebanon County Municipal Building to discuss Lebanon’s recent designation as a Keystone Main Street.
🔗 Its name is a mystery, but opera fudge is a must-have Christmas treat from Lebanon
Historian Bill Warner examines how opera fudge has been around for more than a century but, incredibly, it has never strayed far beyond Lebanon County’s borders.
🔗 Cedar Crest grad DJ Cole named Division III National Player of the Year
Messiah College’s DJ Cole was named Division III National Player of the Year, the United States Soccer Coaches announced last Thursday in Kansas City, MO.
City of Lebanon enters Keystone Main Street Program, a five year opportunity for prioritized revitalization funding
The City of Lebanon is officially the commonwealth’s latest participant in the Keystone Main Street (KMS) program.
PA Public Utility Commission files formal complaint against Sunoco regarding corrosion of 87-year-old Mariner East 1 pipeline which runs through Lebanon County
A new complaint by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission indicates statewide concern with the corrosion control program being used on Mariner East 1.
How a Christmastime brawl in Myerstown ended up catching the attention of a few Pennsylvanian Founding Fathers
Constructing what would become the Union Canal required a massive labor effort in Myerstown, which would lead to a historic Christmas-time riot between the local Pennsylvania Germans and migrant Scots and Irishmen.
Local Republican committee treasurer Matt Shirk announces bid for county commissioner on tenuous and unproven claims of nepotism by Bill Ames, who responded in a press conference
Matt Shirk, current treasurer for the Lebanon County Republican Committee, announced his candidacy for one of the three Lebanon County Commissioner seats that will be contested next fall.
🔗 Exclusive interview with Ashley Moyer-Gleich on her career as an NBA ref
Ashley Moyer-Gleich on being an official for the NBA: “I’m addicted to this new career. I hope this is my career for the next 25 years.”