“For Lebanon Solar’s project in North Annville Township, solar farms are family farms.”
Michael Schroeder
[Column] A well-informed & caring mask-wearing community, in the main
LebTown invited a few columnists to respond to last week’s New York Times article about mask wearing in Annville. Here’s the first response, from LVC professor Michael Schroeder.
[Column] Why read a Frederick Douglass speech on Annville Square July 5?
LVC professor Michael Schroeder explains why an 1852 speech by Frederick Douglass will be read on the Annville Town Square on July 5.
[Letter] D.A. Hess Graf’s column an Orwellian attempt to paint the police as victims
LVC professor Michael Schroeder responds to Lebanon County D.A. Pier Hess Graf’s column from earlier this week.