Lebanon City Council passed a resolution on Dec. 13 keeping property tax rates for 2022 where they’ve been since 2016.
Jonestown Borough, Union Township latest to receive coronavirus recovery payments
They were among 72 Pennsylvania municipalities receiving nearly $5 million total in the final batch of first-round payments under the American Rescue Plan Act’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery program.
City Council earmarks COVID funds for new homeless shelter
City Council awards $200,000 of CARES Act money to Lebanon County Christian Ministries to help fund permanent homeless shelter.
Richland Borough receives coronavirus recovery funds (Update)
Joining 21 others, the Borough of Richland is the latest Lebanon County municipality to receive payment from the American Rescue Plan Act’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery program.
City Council extends tax break for old Northwest Elementary, raises some fees
Fee increases for appeal hearings, possible tax break for buyer of old Northwest Elementary School highlight last night’s Lebanon City Council meeting.
Brief agenda at Lebanon City Council’s last Zoom meeting
In its last online meeting, Lebanon City Council removes obstacle to construction of Wengert Park and another section of LV Rail Trail, proposes changes to property and fire code appeal fees.
City’s lawsuit continues to block sale of old Northwest Elementary school
The sale and redevelopment of the old Northwest Elementary school is on hold until at least September unless the city and the school district can work out their dispute.
Cornwall Borough police chief Bruce Harris will retire after 46+ years on the force
After nearly 47 years with the Cornwall Borough Police Department, Chief Bruce Harris will hand in his badge and service revolver when he retires from the force on Friday, May 7.
City Council allocates grant money, tackles nuisance two-wheelers on streets, fills vacancies
Lebanon City council makes grant money plans, hears complaints about illegal two-wheeled vehicles, fills vacancies at Apr. 26 monthly meeting.
Following tough 2020, Lebanon Mayor Capello still upbeat about state of city
The unprecedented year that was 2020 was a central theme throughout Lebanon Mayor Sherry Capello’s State of the City Address, the 11th of her administration, presented over Zoom on Wednesday, April 7, to Community of Lebanon Association members and their guests.
Lebanon Mayor Capello to give virtual State of the City Address on April 7
Monday, March 29 is the deadline to register for the Mayor Capello’s annual State of the City address, to be given via Zoom at noon on April 7.
Lebanon City Council discusses street repaving, preparations for move, zoning board appointment
Lebanon City Council plans for move to downtown, summer street repaving, fills zoning board vacancy at March meeting.
Open burning, old records, finances, highlight Lebanon City Council meeting
Outdoor burning at public demonstrations and the destruction of old city records were the main items on a short agenda at Lebanon City Council’s Feb. 22 monthly meeting, held remotely via Zoom.
Commissioners discuss Annville child abuse case, planned 911 center in North Cornwall Township
The Thursday meeting discussed the recent Annville child abuse case, the construction of the 911 Call Center in North Cornwall, and the retirement of county prison warden Robert Karnes.
Funding for HACC purchase tops 1st 2021 Lebanon City Council meeting
Lebanon City council tackled HACC purchase financing, a new bridge, getting rid of old records, and a fire code change at its Jan. 25 meeting. Mayor says an end to the Walnut Street repaving project is in sight.