Lebanon City Police investigating the deaths of two males discovered days apart in the Quittapahilla Creek.
Lebanon City Council adopts resolution postponing due dates for tax payments
In order to help taxpayers in the City of Lebanon, Mayor Sherry Capello met with City Council Monday evening to formally adopt a resolution extending the discount period for real estate tax payments.
Municipalities across county adjusting to “new normal” of coronavirus shutdowns
LebTown touches base with Swatara, Heidelberg, North Cornwall, North Lebanon and Bethel Townships to see how they are adapting to a “new normal.”
Mayor Capello delivers 2020 State of the City address without usual live audience
City of Lebanon safer than 10 years ago, in good shape overall, according to Mayor Capello’s State of the City address.
City Council authorizes Mayor’s plan for bicycle playground at Coleman park
A planned bicycle playground in Coleman Memorial Park for youngsters looks like a win-win situation for the community and the city, as the project is expected to cost the city little or nothing.
Lebanon City Council reorganizes for 2020, expects to tackle big issues
It should be a big year for the Lebanon City Council – a potential move of City Hall downtown and the demolition of the pool at Coleman Memorial Park.
Council greenlights HACC purchase; Capello lays out downtown vision
The City of Lebanon is poised to move City Hall into the HACC campus building, with the deal now hinging on the county buying out the City of Lebanon’s portion of the municipal building.
Lebanon County Commissioners approve 2020 budget, no tax increase
Lebanon County Commissioners approved the 2020 county budget Thursday, Dec. 26, with no changes from the preliminary budget and no increase in taxes.
Lebanon City Council will vote Monday on purchase of HACC campus
The Lebanon City Council will vote Monday, Dec. 30, on the proposed purchase of the HACC campus building at 735 Cumberland St.
City Council reluctantly votes to demolish pool at Coleman park
On Monday night, the Lebanon City Council voted to demolish the pool at Coleman Memorial Park.
Lebanon City Council previews plan to demolish Gingrich Memorial Pool, expects vote Monday
On Thursday night, the Lebanon City Council announced that it was considering the demolition of the Gingrich Memorial Pool at Coleman’s Park.
City of Lebanon looks to update 30-year-old zoning ordinance
Single family to apartment conversions and the maximum number of pets in residences could be limited if Lebanon decides to replace 30-year-old zoning ordinance.
Zidik re-concedes City Council to Keller, tweaks to new voting system considered
Democrat Amy Keller’s narrow margin in a Lebanon City Council race will likely hold.
Downtown Lebanon BID officially dissolved, remaining funds to be spent
The Downtown Lebanon Business Improvement District, commonly known as “the BID,” was officially dissolved at a brief hearing in a Lebanon County courtroom on October 8.
Backers favor another try at a Downtown Lebanon Business Improvement District
Though a decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in May invalidated Lebanon’s Business Improvement District, its supporters are vowing to move forward.