Landlords will no longer be required to forgive all payments owed in return for accepting state aid, which is capped at $750, much lower than average rent in many areas.
Police coverage options again on the agenda for tomorrow’s Myerstown Council meeting
Still looking at options for police coverage, Myerstown Borough Council will discuss contracting for police coverage with Northern Lancaster County Regional police Department.
Application period for Lebanon City Council vacancy extended to Monday
Applications to fill the vacancy on the Lebanon City Council will now be accepted until noon Monday.
Pa. Republicans drop effort to create ‘election integrity’ panel with subpoena power
Alarmed state Democratic lawmakers previously called the proposal a “stealth attack” on voting.
Sean Spicer to speak at Lebanon GOP Fall Dinner on Oct. 14 in Richland
Former Trump White House press secretary Sean Spicer will be the guest speaker at the Lebanon GOP Fall Dinner on Oct. 14 at Willow Springs Park in Richland.
Lawmakers mount new push to give Pa. counties more flexibility in counting mail-in ballots
County election officials say it’s the number one issue standing between them and a timely counting of votes: allowing them to begin processing mail-in ballots before Nov. 3.
Contrary to rumors, North Londonderry East polling place remains the same
False rumors have been circulating that the Nov. 3 election will see a new polling place for the North Londonderry East precinct.
Gov. Wolf’s coronavirus business waiver program was inconsistent, unfair, auditor says
The administration decided the fate of thousands of businesses across Pennsylvania with little transparency and no explanations for its shifting positions.
Hundreds of Pa. child-care centers have closed, and some fear it will get worse
Federal coronavirus relief money made a big difference in Pennsylvania, but as it dries up, a second wave of closures could be coming.
RTK request uncovers emails leading up to Lebanon County go-yellow vote
A cache of emails obtained by a Right-To-Know request and released to the public has provided new insight into the circumstances leading to Lebanon County’s “go-yellow” vote this past spring.
Lebanon County election director discusses mail-in ballots as election approaches
Lebanon County Bureau of Elections and Voter Registration director and chief clerk Michael Anderson weighs in on mail-in ballots.
202 grants approved in first round of CARES funding; second round opens Oct. 15
The $12.8 million Lebanon County CARES Act settlement is beginning to reach Lebanon County organizations as the Lebanon County Commissioners have approved the first round of grants to support local firms financially impacted by COVID-19.
Ribbon cut for new Coleman Memorial Park bicycle playground
A dazzling early autumn afternoon provided the perfect backdrop for Saturday’s grand opening of Coleman Memorial Park’s latest attraction, a bicycle playground built this summer by the Susquehanna Area Mountain Bike Association.
Mask Up Lebanon campaign begins; $1,000 grants available to display signs
Lebanon County has begun its “Mask Up Lebanon” campaign, a $2.8 million stipulation of the county’s settlement with Gov. Tom Wolf over CARES Act funding.