As part of its efforts to serve as a resource to the business community during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the launch of the ‘Bringing PA Back’ website.
🔗 Residents talk about counties that plan to self move to the yellow phase
Residents talk about counties that plan to self move to the yellow phase, including an interview with Lebanon City Council member Richard Wertz.
Our neighbors need help [Paid Press Release]
On Saturday, May 9, local leaders will join together to collect personal care essentials for families at sites in Palmyra and Lebanon City.
🔗 Supreme Court declines to lift Pennsylvania’s stay-at-home order
The Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to lift an executive order from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf that mandated the closure of all businesses in the state deemed nonessential as part of efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
🔗 Pa. lawmaker defends shopping without a mask, urges public to question state officials
Shopping without a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t recommended by health experts, but that’s exactly what a midstate lawmaker said he did recently in a Facebook post.
🔗 Lancaster-Lebanon League welcomes 13 new teams
Two years after rejecting a plan to bring-in the Berks Football League, the Lancaster-Lebanon League has changed its mind on expansion. Wednesday, league officials voted 19-5 (one abstention) in-favor expanding.
🔗 Lebanon County inmate who sued over dreadlocks ban is released from solitary
A Lebanon County inmate whose dreadlocks violated the jail’s haircut policy has been released from solitary confinement after more than a year, although his federal lawsuit is still pending.
🔗 Lebanon racing great Cyrus Patschke died 69 years ago today
On this day in 1951, race car driver Cyrus Patschke died. Here’s our article from last year looking at Lebanon in the time of motorsports’ heyday.
Christman’s Chronicles: Complicated deaths and complicated grief [Paid Press Release]
Death that appears outside of the norm can affect your grieving. We call this Complicated Grief (CG).
🔗 State Rep. Frank Ryan proposes bill to freeze pay for public officials during COVID-19 pandemic
State Representative Frank Ryan (R-101) introduced the legislation to address the pandemic and the “financial turmoil” it is causing at “all levels of the government and in the lives of Pennsylvania residents.”
🔗 May the 4th Be With You: Lebanon Valley is closer to the Star Wars Universe than you may have realized
On the occasion of May the 4th, we’re resharing an article from last year exploring the links between Lebanon County and Star Wars.
🔗 Lebanon County dad describes getting long-awaited transplant during the pandemic
After being on a waiting list for years, Cornwall’s Michael McSherry was asked to report to the hospital within just a couple of hours: doctors found him a match, and he was finally getting a kidney transplant.
🔗 In mock funeral procession at Bell & Evans, protesters demand shutdown of the plant
A procession of about 30 cars circled the Bell & Evans plant Friday morning in a mock funeral procession to demand the plant shut down following the coronavirus-related deaths of a chicken plant employee and the spouse of another employee.
🔗 Deadly ride: How coronavirus struck down Bell & Evans poultry workers going to work in a crowded van
Eight workers who often traveled to work together in a van all got sick from the coronavirus. Crammed together for the 30-mile drive, none of them could keep their distance from one another on their way to jobs they couldn’t afford to give up.
🔗 Diocese of Harrisburg announces the closure of Lebanon Catholic school
Lebanon Catholic and Holy Family Consolidated Catholic School in Berwick are closing due to decreased enrollment and continuing financial issues, the diocese said.