This sponsored press release is paid advertising by Christman’s Funeral Home.

We are frequently asked questions about the subject of funeral etiquette.

It’s an important topic and warrants not just one but a series of blogs in our Christman’s Chronicles series. As always, your feedback is welcome and important.

Once you are aware of the service, the first question you might ask is “should I attend?’ Unless the obituary specifically states that this is a private service, the answer to this question is yes. The family has lost someone near and dear to them. They need the love and support of both family and friends, Your attendance will be appreciated.

What if the deceased is of another faith? That should make no difference. You are there to honor the deceased. In this case, the faith issue is not as important.

Promptness is also important. Plan to arrive early. Anticipate situations where the parking is limited and allow for time to deal with this. You don’t want to be noticed as someone who arrives after the service has started.

Be conscious of the need to be respectful. It is not appropriate to chat with your neighbor during a service (even if it’s an old friend). And be sure your cell phone is turned off.

If there is an open casket, pay a respectful visit, and pray briefly for the deceased and the family.

If you are a friend of the deceased, but do not know the family, be specific when you introduce yourself to them. Example; “I’m John Smith. Your husband and I worked together at XYZ Company three years ago”.

How should you dress? Many people wear black as a sign of respect. A more general bit of advice is to be sure and dress conservatively.

Crying is to be expected under these circumstances. But if it out of control, excuse yourself and avoid being a distraction during the service.

There are other situations, like etiquette at a graveside service, and dealing with receptions and offers of help to the family. We’ll deal with those topics in future blogs.

Our goal is to provide The Perfect Farewell for the deceased and his or her family. Your part starts with good etiquette.