This post is paid advertising by Lebanon Valley Family YMCA.
Rally! Ride! Raise! Each year the Lebanon YMCA battles it out with YMCAs across the United States and Canada in a web hosted, Virtual Reality, Stationary Bike Rally to raise awareness and money to help people in our local communities gain access to YMCA programs. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be a part of everything the YMCA has to offer, that is why the Y doesn’t ever turn anyone away due to financial hardship. The Y is here to help and support those who need it most.

The month of February was Rally month and our local Lebanon YMCA members and staff got busy. The company that manufactures the stationary bike used for the Rally donates .10 cents a mile for every single mile someone rides on those specific bikes for the month, then each rider can get sponsors as they Rally! Ride! Raise! With a total of 88 riders here in Lebanon, they blew the miles out of the water by riding more than 23,000 over the course of the month. The top 5 riders rode over 1000 miles each helping to land Lebanon in the #1 spot for miles ridden out of every participating YMCA. That is not the only exciting news, after securing a matching donor, Lebanon quickly moved to the #1 spot in money raised as well.
Battling it out with 183 YMCAs across the country and in Canada, The Lebanon Y is proud to be named the #1 YMCA in miles ridden and money raised! The members and staff came together, worked hard, and shared the Y’s story! At the end of the day that is what it is all about, working together as a team and changing lives, one child, one family, one person at a time.