This post is paid advertising by Brennan Chiropractic and Laser Pain Solutions.
It began innocently enough the day on her bus route when Jessica bent over to help a customer pick up some dropped change from the floor. “That’s when I heard the pop,” she recalled. The radiating pain in her lower back and leg brought her active life practically to a standstill.
“For the next six months, my doctor tried a number of things with very little success. I had physical therapy, which helped a bit, but I could only drive half-way through my two-hour route each day before the pain across my back became too much,” she continued. “Finally, I was diagnosed by MRI with two bulging lumbar discs. My provider gave me two choices — shots or surgery.”
Faced with these options, Jessica decided to try chiropractic care first. “I drive by Brennan Chiropractic every day, so I thought I’d stop in. The staff was so warm and welcoming. I met with Dr. Brennan who reviewed my case and developed a three-part individualized treatment plan for me that included ProAdjuster and Spinal Decompression treatments, plus robotic MLS Laser Therapy.”
Thanks to Dr. Tim Brennan of Brennan Chiropractic and Laser Pain Solutions in Annville, Jessica, and many others, are experiencing extraordinary results with these advanced technologies and specialized care.
“Spinal Decompression is a nonsurgical, noninvasive technique that helps reduce low back, neck, leg, and arm pain,” explained Dr. Brennan. “Spinal Decompression relieves pain by reducing pressure on the spinal discs and facet joints.” The combination of decompression, chiropractic care and MLS Laser Therapy began to make a difference for Jessica.
Therapeutic lasers have been in use for over 35 years, and robotic MLS Laser Therapy is a state-of-the-art breakthrough in restoring patient mobility with no known side effects. In 15 minute comfortable sessions, patients suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, including degenerative joint conditions and sports injuries, are on their way to relief.
“Patented MLS Laser Therapy is unique because it treats both pain and inflammation simultaneously,” said Dr. Brennan. “The MLS Laser works by sending concentrated light energy deep into damaged tissue, which stimulates the body’s own healing process. The cells of tendons, ligaments and muscles repair themselves faster, easing pain and inflammation, and reducing recovery time.”
Jessica started with sessions several times a week. “Two months later, I’m down to a couple of visits per month, and I feel great,” she reported. “Before my injury, my husband and I liked to play disc golf but my leg was so weak, there was just no way. I’m still not 100%, and from time to time my back is tender, but I’m back to doing all the things I love to do.”
If you or someone you know is looking for pain relief without drugs or injections, please contact us or call 717.867.4000 to set up a free consultation. We invite you to visit our laser page for more information or to sign up for a free laser presentation.
In order to protect the patient’s identity, the name has been changed from its original for thus this patient profile. This is a real patient who was interviewed about their experience receiving chiropractic and laser therapy treatments for a lower back injury.