This post is paid advertising by Calvin Doc Clements for Senate.
Dairy farmers in PA and across America are in crisis. Since 2005, half of all American dairy farms, particularly family farms, have been lost.
Currently, milk is $15.60/cwt which is down $4.00 from 2016. In fact, a gallon of milk, which at one time cost consumers $1.45 a gallon to produce, now costs $2.10.
The family farm is vital to our community and economy, but soaring costs and bankruptcies are destroying today’s farm families. As a result, suicide rates are skyrocketing among dairy farmers who have lost it all.
As your Senator in District 48, I will work hard to tackle the issues that are debilitating our dairy farms, which are a vital part of our community and an integral source of tax revenue. To strengthen our dairy farms, I will work to
- Adopt supply management programs
- Guarantee fair prices while discouraging overproduction
- Hold hearings on milk pricing formulas
- Set milk price at $20/ cwt and establish a state milk purchasing initiative
As your Senator, my farming roots will be at work for YOU!
For more information contact the campaign at 717-507-7516 or visit our website at