Lebanon County Commissioners approved numerous items on Thursday, Sept. 5, including upcoming renovations to the county municipal building.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
North Cornwall Township supervisors begin review of 2025 draft budget
The North Cornwall Board of Supervisors began its review of the township’s newly drafted budget for 2025.
Annville Twp. commissioners vote to disband Annville Twp. Police Department
Following the merger between Annville Township and Plamyra Borough Police Departments, the Annville Township Police Department will be disbanded.
West Lebanon Twp. prohibits parking on 25th St.; discusses pensions, hiring
During West Lebanon Township's Board of Commissioners meeting on Sept. 3, the group prohibited parking on both sides of 25th Street, discussed pension plans for full-time municipal employees, and revisited policies for hiring township employees.
Traffic fatality at Bell & Evans plant spurs traffic pattern changes at nearby diner
Changes are being proposed at Bell & Evans’ Plant 2 to improve traffic safety following a 2023 truck/pedestrian fatality at that location.
Palmyra council hears report on local geology, discusses refuse company bids
In Tuesday's meeting, the Palmyra Borough Council heard a report on the geological environment, which outlined areas at risk for sinkholes and discussed the received refuse and recycling company bids.
Heidelberg Township to re-advertise nuisance ordinance after adjustments
Heidelberg readvertised a nuisance ordinance Tuesday.
Commission meets to organize merger of N. Lebanon and N. Cornwall police forces
The Lebanon County Regional Police Commission met on Aug. 27, the first of several planned meetings, to work out the details of the merger of the North Lebanon and North Cornwall police departments, scheduled to go live in January.
North Lebanon appoints resident Rick Blouch to Regional Police Commission
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to appoint resident Richard Blouch to the Regional Police Commission at its meeting Monday, in addition to supervisors Gary Heisey and Ardy Snook.
County Commissioners provide hotel tax grants, settle human relations complaint
Lebanon County Commissioners check-in on hotel tax grant applications and agree to settle a human relations complaint during their latest public meeting on Thursday, Aug. 15.
South Annville supervisors approve Wynfield 4-lot subdivision plans
Board moves to provide monetary assistance to Garman Builders to widen Reigerts Lane.
COLA proposes recalculated surchage for treating high strength waste
The City of Lebanon Authority is looking to change how it charges industries that contribute higher concentrations of organic and inorganic matter into the waste stream than domestic or residential users.
Palmyra Borough Council approves financial security reduction in close vote
Palmyra Borough Council approves reduction in financial security for East Ridge Road Melrose Development project and PennDOT winter maintenance agreement for 2025-2030.
Myerstown council hears rental concerns, advances plans for 2025 carnival
The Myerstown Borough Council heard resident concerns about a property being rented short-term at its monthly meeting Tuesday.
South Londonderry Township supervisors approve three new ordinances
The approved ordinances include the open burn ordinance, solid waste reduction and recyclable materials ordinance, and disposal of solid waste ordinance.