At the July 9 meeting, the council approved the settlement documents related to PennDOT’s right-of-way purchase as well as some seasonal items.
Civic Impact Reporting Project
Cornwall Borough Council approves PRL and Rexmont Road subdivision plans
The Cornwall Borough Council approved the final plans for the PRL and Rexmont Road subdivisions at its meeting Monday.
Proposed redevelopment of former Quentin Riding Club clears first hurdle
West Cornwall Township supervisors unanimously approved a conditional use application for a mixed-use project at the site of the former Quentin Riding Club at a special meeting Monday, July 1.
West Cornwall Twp. supervisors set appeals process for code violations
West Cornwall Township supervisors set an appeals process and penalties for violations of the property maintenance code.
N. Annville Twp. supervisors set deadline for decision on fire company merger
North Annville Township supervisors set a deadline for one of two fire companies located in the municipality to decide if they are going to participate in a merger agreement.
North Lebanon approves merger with North Cornwall police department
The North Lebanon Board of Supervisors voted to adopt a charter for the Lebanon County Regional Police Department, merging the North Lebanon and North Cornwall police departments, at its meeting Tuesday.
Cornwall Planning and Zoning forwards final PRL, Rexmont Road plans to council
The Cornwall Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously agreed to pass the final plans for the PRL Industries manufacturing plant and the Rexmont Road subdivision to council for approval at its meeting last Monday.
Annville Twp. commissioners to review panhandling and loitering ordinance
The Annville Township Board of Commissioners discussed a panhandling and loitering ordinance and the renovation of the Annville Town Hall, including updates for ADA compliance, during their July meeting.
County commissioners to pursue state grant to fight opioid/alcohol abuse
Working with a light pre-holiday agenda, Lebanon County Commissioners took two primary actions at their July 3 meeting.
Heidelberg Township to adjust nuisance ordinance following resident concerns
The Heidelberg Township Board of Supervisors held a hearing for a nuisance ordinance Tuesday, but opted to make changes to the ordinance prior to adoption.
City Council OKs sale of alcohol at Lebanon Community Theater productions
Lebanon City Council gave its blessing to the Lebanon Community Theater’s plans to sell alcoholic beverages on a one-year trial basis at performances in its city-owned theater at Stoever’s Dam Park.
Long-Range Transportation Plan approved by county planning board
The Lebanon County MPO Policy Board approved 2024 long-range transportation plan Thursday and heard updates on PennDOT projects currently underway.
North Cornwall Township adopts regional police charter with unanimous vote
The North Cornwall Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to adopt the intermunicipal charter agreement for a regionalized police force Tuesday.
North Lebanon Township to hold public hearing on regional police charter
Monday, the North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors agreed to hold a public hearing for the regional police charter.
Myerstown Borough Council plans for U.S. semiquincentennial
The Myerstown Borough Council took steps to plan for the United States of America’s 250th anniversary at its meeting Tuesday.