“Who’s hiring?!”
- Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF of Lebanon County)

CEF of Lebanon County
Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship
Direct the local ministry to evangelize children with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through; Good News Clubs (which meet weekly in public schools), Good News Day Camps, and 5-Day Clubs (both of which meet in the summer), teacher training classes and Summer Missionary internships.
Primary Responsibilities of the County Director:
- Promote the ministry, raise support, and form working relationships with local, like-minded churches and other Christian organizations
- Organize clubs, recruit and train teachers and helpers
- Coordinate activities with the county committee and CEF of Eastern Pennsylvania state office (CEFPA)
- Oversee various organizational and financial concerns associated with maintaining an office and directing CEF ministry activities
- Assist the Summer Missionary with summer ministry activities (Good News Day Camps and Five-day Clubs)
- Recruit an adult volunteer(s) to help with office and administrative responsibilities
Requirements For Interested Candidates:
- A working knowledge of the Bible through academic training/education at a Bible school/college and/or practical/personal study and experience
- An effective victorious Christian life as exemplified by a “first love” for God, an effective personal prayer/devotional life, a consistent manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit in his/her life, and a desire and ability to share a clear presentation of the gospel
- A heartfelt desire and ability to minister Biblical truths/principles to children in Grades 1-5
- An ability to initiate contact with pastors/churches and to speak publicly in churches and other public gatherings about the ministry of CEF
- An ability to successfully work with people to encourage and train people interested in CEF ministry
- An ability to communicate and function effectively through the use of computer tools such as email, the internet, Office (Word, Publisher, Excel), and other helpful software that may be helpful
- The interested candidate will need to successfully undertake a background check as required by the State of Pennsylvania for volunteers who minister to children. The candidate will be required to successfully undertake a federal background check including providing fingerprints if he/she has not lived in Pennsylvania during the ten year period prior to starting employment
Compensation Package:
- The package will include an annual salary as well as health insurance, contributions to cover out of pocket medical and dental costs, contributions to a retirement plan, auto expense reimbursement, and housing (a two-bedroom apartment on the second floor of the CEF building including paid utilities such as electric/heat/trash/water/internet)
Interested candidates should contact 717-270-6555 or lebanoncountydirector@cefepa.net
Websites that will provide additional information about this ministry include the website for CEF of Lebanon County and the CEF of Eastern Pennsylvania State Office.
Mission Statement: CEF is an interdenominational group of God’s people bonded together to evangelize children with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, to help them grow in the Christian faith and to train others to do the same.
CEF accomplishes this mission through; Good News Clubs (which meet weekly in public schools), Good News Day Camps, and 5-Day Clubs (both of which meet in the summer), teacher training classes and Summer Missionary internships.
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