Bethel Township
Vehicle accident – Around 7:58 a.m. Jan. 6, a 2005 Honda CRV driven by a 23-year-old Lebanon man was traveling north on Mount Zion Road near Freeport Road when it left its lane and struck a MetEd utility pole on the right side of the road, causing disabling damage and the airbags to deploy. The utility pole broke at the area of impact and was leaning over Mount Zion Road with wires down. Fire and fire police closed the road and contacted the township. The driver was wearing a seatbelt and sustained no injuries. The Honda was towed from the scene by WM Carroll.
Vehicle accident, careless driving – Around 2:54 p.m. Jan. 17, a northbound 2014 Toyota Highlander driven by a 27-year-old Lebanon woman was stopped in its lane on the 2200 block of South Pine Grove Street. The Toyota was behind another vehicle that was stopped to turn left into a driveway. A 2008 Ford Escape driven by a 40-year-old Lebanon woman accompanied by an 18-year-old Tremont man and a 14-year-old Lebanon boy was traveling north on South Pine Grove Street and approaching the area of the stopped vehicles. A Ford F-150XLT driven by a 49-year-old Lebanon woman was traveling north on South Pine Grove Street and failed to slow or stop for the stopped vehicles. The Ford F-150XLT rear-ended the Toyota and veered to the left, striking the Ford Escape. The Toyota was pushed into the grassy area to the left of the road. The Escape overturned on the road. All drivers were wearing seatbelts, sustained possible injuries, and were transported to Hershey Medical Center for evaluation and treatment. The occupants in the Escape were wearing seatbelts and sustained no injuries. Police charged the driver of the Ford F-150XLT with careless driving.
City of Lebanon
Arrest warrant – On Dec. 12, police issued an arrest warrant against Casey Sanders, 34, with the original charge being possession of a controlled substance.
Arrest warrant – On Dec. 20, police issued an arrest warrant against Alberto Rodriguez-Crespo, 38, with the original charge being failure to register as a sex offender.
Arrest warrant – On Jan. 9, police issued an arrest warrant against Joshua Morgan, 29, with the original charge being criminal mischief.
Arrest warrant – On Jan. 9, police issued an arrest warrant against Elizabeth Davis, 61, with the original charge being driving while suspended (DUI-related).
Arrest warrant – On Jan. 16, police issued an arrest warrant against Israel Cruz, 21, with the original charge being possession of a controlled substance.
Arrest warrant – On Jan. 13, police issued an arrest warrant against Natethaine Davis-Perrin, 28, with the original charges being robbery, simple assault, theft, and disorderly conduct.
DUI, resisting arrest, reckless driving – On Jan. 20, police charged Jon Stager, 40, with DUI-controlled substance, evading arrest or detention on foot, resisting arrest, and reckless driving after an incident on the 900 block of North 6th Street.
Defiant trespass – On Jan. 14, police charged Sharon Zook, 55, with defiant trespass after an incident on the 00 block of South 9th Street.
Drug possession, public drunkenness – On Jan. 16, police charged Ricardo Gomez-Lopez, 37, with possession of drug paraphernalia and public drunkenness after an incident on the 100 block of South 8th Street.
DUI – At 1:56 a.m. Jan. 19, police pulled over a 2023 Toyocar van container trailer driven by Moises Longobardi Castillo, 44, of Union City, New Jersey, on the first block of North Partridge Street for a moving violation. Police said could smell an alcoholic beverage inside the vehicle. Longobardi Castillo submitted to SFSTs, showed signs of impairment, and was taken into custody for the suspicion of DUI-alcohol.
Coffee with a Cop – Attend a meet-and-greet with the officers of the Lebanon City Police Department at their upcoming Coffee with a Cop gathering. On Wednesday, Jan. 29, drop by the Lebanon Family YMCA lobby between 8 and 10 a.m. to chat with officers over a free cup of coffee. The event is open to everyone, regardless of YMCA membership. The Lebanon City Police Department appreciates the James Biever Police-Community Alliance’s ongoing support in facilitating the police department’s community outreach efforts.

Heidelberg Township
Vehicle accident – At 8:03 p.m. Dec. 15, a 2017 Ford Focus driven by a 17-year-old Kutztown boy was approaching a stop sign on Oak Street at Route 501. The Ford was going too fast for conditions, failed to stop at the stop sign, and entered the lane for 501, when it was struck by a 2018 GMC Sierra driven by a 22-year-old Quarryville man. Both drivers were wearing seatbelts and sustained no injuries. Police charged the juvenile with driving vehicle at safe speed.
Vehicle accident – At 2:44 p.m. Jan. 16, a 2006 Volkswagen Rabbit was traveling south on South 5th Avenue, exited its lane into the oncoming lane, then exited the left side of the road to avoid striking a 2007 Buick Rainier and hit a utility pole. The Buick exited the left side of the road to avoid striking the VW and struck a fence. Neither driver was injured. Both vehicles sustained functional damage and were able to leave the scene under their own power. Police charged the driver of the VW with driving on roadways laned for traffic.
Jackson Township
Vehicle accident – At 1:43 p.m. Jan. 19, a 2016 Ford Fusion driven by a 19-year-old Carlisle man accompanied by a 17-year-old Carlisle boy and a 19-year-old Stanley, New York, man was traveling north on North College Street. The Ford started to slide on the road due to going too fast for conditions, exited the right side of the road, and hit a culvert off the right side of the road, then went airborne and hit a tree. The Ford sustained disabling damage and was towed from the scene by RJ Towing. The 19-year-olds were wearing seatbelts. It is unknown if the 17-year-old was wearing a seatbelt. All three sustained suspected minor injuries but refused transport. Police charged the driver with driving vehicle at safe speed.
North Londonderry Township
Vehicle accident – At 3:32 p.m. Jan. 19, police responded to a single-vehicle crash at the intersection of Fir Street and Colony Drive. A 52-year-old Lebanon man reported that while making a left turn onto Colony Drive, he lost control of his vehicle, causing his front right tire to strike a curb. The vehicle was towed from the scene.
Criminal mischief, disorderly conduct – At 2:58 p.m. Sept. 16, 2024, police responded to the UPS Store on the 1200 block of East Main Street, Palmyra, for a disturbance related to a road rage incident. Police determined that Christopher Kunc, 28, of Palmyra, was a passenger in a vehicle attempting to turn into the UPS Store parking lot and became upset with a female driver attempting to exit the lot. The incident started with yelling, but then Kunc exited his vehicle and approached the female driver’s vehicle. Kunc gave the female driver demands, which she ignored. Kunc then became angrier, grabbed the partially open driver’s side window, and pulled the window toward him, causing it to shatter out of the driver’s side door. Police charged Kunc with misdemeanor criminal mischief and summary disorderly conduct.
South Lebanon Township
Emergency preparedness registry – Have you ever called the Lebanon County Department of Emergency Services, 911, or the non-emergency line 717-272-2054? If so, you know dispatchers do a fantastic job, but they have a difficult job to do, especially if you are in a stressful situation. They must gather all your information as quickly as possible by asking you what seems like a zillion questions so they can relay your information accurately and efficiently to the necessary responding agency.
In an emergency, time counts! LCDES has a brochure available that has some of those basic questions that would assist in expediting emergency services to you in your time of need. The brochure can be downloaded for your convenience, or you may pick up a copy in the South Lebanon Township Police Department lobby. Please consider submitting your basic information to LCDES. Your participation is voluntary. The information submitted will be kept confidential and will only be used for emergency response efforts.
Nobody likes to ask for help, but when you need it, especially during an emergency, rest assured, LCDES is here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
South Londonderry Township
Trespassing – At 1:45 p.m. Jan. 7, police charged a 73-year-old Palmyra woman with summary trespassing after she walked onto a neighbor’s property on the 100 block of Glendon Drive, knowing she was not supposed to be on the property.
Swatara Township
Vehicle accident, DUI – On Jan. 18, a criminal complaint was filed against Bryon Sando, 39, of Jonestown, for the alleged violation of DUI-drugs and associated traffic violations. Charges stem from an investigation into a crash that occurred around 8:56 a.m. Dec. 18 on the 700 block of North Mill Street involving a 68-year-old Jonestown man and MetEd.
Western Lebanon County Regional Police
Criminal trespass – On Jan. 7, police responded to a report of a non-active trespass on the property of Stone Hill Village on the 200 block of Millard Drive, Annville. Police determined that a 19-year-old man entered private property that was clearly marked “No Trepassing” without permission on Dec. 17. On Jan. 11, a non-traffic citation was filed with MDJ Ditzler’s office, charging the man with summary criminal trespass.
Theft – Around 2:57 p.m. Jan. 2, police responded to the 00 block of South King Street in Annville for a report of a theft. Police determined that Anthony Landrau, 24, stole the RING doorbell camera from the porch of the residence. On Jan. 13, a criminal complaint was filed with MDJ Ditzler’s office, charging Landrau with misdemeanor theft.
Disorderly practices prohibited – At 5:32 a.m. Jan. 11, police responded to the 400 block of East Maple Street in Annville for a domestic dispute. They found a 23-year-old woman and a 26-year-old man, who were yelling in the street and creating a disturbance. Police cited both individuals with local ordinance disorderly practices prohibited.
Harassment – Police charged a 45-year-old man with summary harassment (physical contact) after police responded to an incident at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 11 on the 100 block of West North Avenue in Palmyra.
About the LebTown Blotter
We do not publish names for traffic accidents and summary offenses.
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