We’ve got all the details about the 28th annual Civil War Weekend taking place Saturday and Sunday against the scenic backdrop of Union Canal Tunnel Park.

LebTown Staff
🔗 Cedar Bowl alumni reflect on game’s history, impact on players and community
Pat Huggins put together a captivating oral history of the Cedar Bowl football game held each fall between Cedar Crest and Lebanon high schools.
Lebanon XC growing under Coach Tom Pearson, join weekend fundraiser run on rail trail
Lebanon High cross-country coach Tom Pearson might be the most followed high school sports coach in Lebanon County.
Sinkholes, forever part of life in Central PA
Growing up in Lebanon, one might think every family faced seasonal basement floods and the occasional neighborhood sinkhole.
Lebanese man tries to visit all 47 US “Lebanon” on emotional roadtrip, second PA visit soon?
BouKaram might be the world’s leading expert on the US Lebanon’s.
Giant Foods submits winning bid for Lebanon County liquor license
What’s the value of a liquor license in Lebanon County? About $120k, at least if you’re Giant Foods.
First-ever PA LGBTQ Affairs Commission exec director Todd Snovel hails from Lebanon Valley College
Yesterday Gov. Tom Wolf announced the first-ever Pennsylvania LGBTQ Affairs Commission, and named Lebanon Valley College alum & former staffer Todd Snovel as executive director of the 40-person group.
How Gerry Lenfest grew a Lebanon cable company into more than a billion dollars of good
Lenfest’s path into the Pennsylvania pantheon evokes Horatio Alger, and surprisingly enough, it has a major stop in Lebanon, PA.
Harrisburg diocese rushes to beat grand jury report, names multiple accused clergy with ties to Lebanon
In a stunning move this week, the Diocese of Harrisburg published a letter that identified 71 clergy accused of abuse. None of the men are actively involved with the church, and some are dead, including former Lebanon Catholic Philips DeChico.
🔗 White, and in the minority
The Washington Post uses the Fredericksburg Bell & Evans’ plant as a microcosm for the shifting demographic makeup of America.
Medical marijuana grower/processor approved for Lebanon
Within the next two years, Lebanon County will become home to one of the nation’s most popular new cash crops – marijuana.
Lebanon’s most amazing geological feature, next to a long-forgotten resort in Cold Springs
The type of outcrop to inspire daydreams of giants and extraterrestrials, northern Lebanon’s Boxcar Rocks would be an outstanding geological feature in any locale.
Sheetz “soda cave” bet pays off in Lebanon with Palmyra liquor license transfer
In a report by the Lebanon Daily News, approval of the Palmyra Borough Council was noted for the Sheetz at 811 E. Main Street to begin selling beer out of its current “soda cave”, which would be renamed a “beer cave” once the liquor license transfer is complete.
How Bismarck, PA in Lebanon County was renamed for Teddy Roosevelt’s son, Quentin
July 14th marks the anniversary of Quentin Roosevelt’s death. The youngest son of former president Theodore Roosevelt, Quentin died in a dogfight over France, where he was buried by German forces with a makeshift grave of saplings and wire from his plane (a Nieuport 28).
How much does the Mariner East Pipeline threaten Lebanon’s Snitz Creek aquifer?
As construction of the Mariner East Pipeline proceeds throughout Pennsylvania, a quiet crisis may be emerging underneath Snitz Creek, the tributary of the Quittapahilla that runs through downtown Lebanon.