The Cornwall public works department was reestablished by the Cornwall Borough Council at their April 10 meeting.
North Lebanon Township supervisors approve Escambia zoning amendment
The North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to approve Ordinance #2-2023 rezoning the Escambia property at 1675 Grace Ave. from rural residential (RR) to residential density one (R1) at Monday’s meeting.
S. Londonderry supervisors commend Officer Jared Zimmerman for FOP award
The South Londonderry Board of Supervisors recognized Officer Jared Zimmerman at Tuesday’s meeting following his receipt of the Lebanon County Fraternal order of Police Lodge #42 Officer of the Year Award.
Cornwall Borough Council refers A/V upgrade to finance committee
Cornwall Borough Council agreed on Monday to pass on information regarding a proposed A/V upgrade to the finance committee.
South Londonderry supervisors approve Rising Sun request for partial demolition
The South Londonderry Board of Supervisors agreed to grant conditional use for the Rising Sun to demolish part of the adjacent historic structure following a public hearing.
New Northern Lebanon elementary school on track to open this fall
When a fresh school year begins this fall, Northern Lebanon’s state-of-the-art elementary school will usher in a new period in local primary education.
Jonestown Borough Council approves mayoral letters in support of NLFES
The Jonestown Borough Council unanimously approved mayoral letters to the state and federal legislature in support of North Lebanon Fire and Emergency Services (NLFES) at Tuesday’s meeting.
Crime, taxes, housing, streets: Lebanon mayor updates on 2023 State of the City
Lebanon Mayor Sherry Capello concentrated on issues of everyday concern to city residents when she gave her annual State of the City Address to about 150 guests at the Hebron Banquet Hall on Wednesday, March 29.
City of Lebanon to offer new spring leaf drop-off service starting April 10
The City of Lebanon announced that it is offering a new spring leaf drop-off service for city residents.
City fire chief is on paid administrative leave, Lebanon officials mum on why
The Lebanon city fire chief has been placed on on paid administrative leave, but city officials aren’t saying why.
South Londonderry Township police set $25,000 fundraising goal for new K-9 unit
The South Londonderry Township Police set a fundraising goal of $25,000 for the a new K-9 Unit after the retirement of the township’s first K-9 Rex.
North Lebanon Township Board of Supervisors approves extensive paving
The North Lebanon Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to the low bid of $826,398.15 for this year’s paving project.
South Londonderry supervisors advertise Rising Sun conditional-use request
Tuesday, The South Londonderry Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to advertise the Rising Sun conditional use request to be discussed at their meeting April 11.
Cornwall Borough Council hears completed parks and recreation plan
Cornwall Borough Council agreed on Monday to apply for a grant for $250,000 from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and match that amount for phase one of Snitz Creek Park development.
Jonestown Borough Council furthers block party plans
At Tuesday’s meeting, Jonestown Borough Council handled routine business including continuing plans for the 12th Annual Block Party.