Lebanon County District Attorney Dave Arnold will be the Republican Party nominee in the special election to replace former state senator Mike Folmer.
County Commissioners: Proclamation for Children’s Miracle Network and ID badges for veterans
The Children‘s Miracle Network and a new ID badge that will be offered to county veterans were topics of discussion at the most recent County Commissioners meeting.
Former state senator Michael Folmer waives preliminary hearing
In a brief appearance this morning before Magisterial District Judge Thomas M. Capello, former Lebanon County state senator Michael J. Folmer waived his preliminary hearing on the child pornography charges filed against him last month.
Shirk lawsuit against PAC organizers will continue, Lebanon County court decides
A recent ruling by a Lebanon County judge allows the continuation of a defamation lawsuit filed by Matthew A. Shirk, previously a contender for Lebanon County Commissioner, against supporters of a Political Action Committee that was critical of his candidacy.
Jackson Township farmer faces felony for barn fire incident, petition circulating
A Jackson Township farmer has been charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, and harassment in connection with an incident that occurred on Sept. 4 during a barn fire on the property of Marlin Getz.
GOP hopefuls make their pitch to Lebanon County conferees
Candidates stumped for the recently vacated seat of former State Senator Mike Folmer Sunday evening in the Lincoln GOP Club auditorium on South Ninth Street in Lebanon.
Fatal accident at Alden Place, longtime Lebanon County landscaper casualty
A co-owner of a Lebanon County-based landscaping firm was killed Saturday in an accident at Alden Place in Cornwall Borough.
Downtown Lebanon BID officially dissolved, remaining funds to be spent
The Downtown Lebanon Business Improvement District, commonly known as “the BID,” was officially dissolved at a brief hearing in a Lebanon County courtroom on October 8.
True-blue Viking is Northern Lebanon’s next top educator
Gary Messinger, Jr. is the newest superintendent of the Northern Lebanon School District.
New eWIC will make shopping a breeze for those in PA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program
Those enrolled in the Pennsylvania’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) will have a new, more convenient means to purchase nutritious food.
LHS Band to celebrate 100 years of making music and lifelong musicians
The Lebanon High School Band will celebrate a century of making music, and a legacy of hundreds of lifelong musicians at the Homecoming football game this Friday, October 11, at Lebanon Alumni Stadium.
Candidates begin hunt for nomination in 48th Senatorial District special election
The Republican Party is accepting candidate applications through Friday, October 4, and the Democratic Party through Thursday, October 10.
County 911 Center project kicks off, Beers and Hoffman named architects
On Thursday, the Lebanon County Commissioners approved a formal assessment that will bring the county’s proposed 911 Center one step closer to reality.