Here are featured events happening across the Lebanon Valley this weekend, November 15 to November 17.
Upcoming Events
Lebanon high school students invited to second annual Youth Leadership Summit
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South-Central PA (formerly Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region) is hosting the second annual Youth Leadership Summit for high school students.
Featured Lebanon Valley events for the weekend of Nov. 8 to Nov. 10
Here are featured events happening across the Lebanon Valley this weekend, November 8 to November 10.
Compeer of Lebanon County hosting holiday bingo fundraiser on Nov. 9
Lebanon residents can support Compeer of Lebanon County at a holiday bingo fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 9.
15th Lebanon Quilters Guild show coming to Expo Center this weekend
The 15th Lebanon Quilters Guild Exhibition of Quilts will be held on Friday, Nov. 8, and Saturday, Nov. 9, at the Lebanon Expo Center.
CLA tree lighting on Nov. 22 kicks off holiday season in downtown Lebanon
The Community of Lebanon Association has a tree-lighting, parade and downtown carriage rides planned for the 2024 holiday season.
[Photo Story] LCT to perform ‘Rocky Horror’ as a Halloween fundraiser
This weekend, LCT will be performing The Rocky Horror Picture Show at five showtimes, including two midnight showings.
Lebanon-County-raised singer Laurelyn Dossett to perform, raise funds for NC
Award-winning singer-songwriter Laurelyn Dossett will perform at Pine Creek Spirits in Elizabethtown on Nov. 1 starting at 6:30 p.m. to riase funds for the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.
Featured Lebanon Valley events for the weekend of Nov. 1 to Nov. 3
Here are featured events happening across the Lebanon Valley this weekend, November 1 to November 3.
Featured Lebanon Valley events for the weekend of Oct. 25 to Oct. 27
Here are featured events happening across the Lebanon Valley this weekend, October 25 to October 27.
Annville Free Library to present ‘Addams Family’ interactive movie Oct. 27
Annville Free Library will host a special interactive screening of the 1991 “Addams Family” film on Sunday, Oct. 27, at 12:30 p.m. at the Allen Theatre.
Nationally known organist will give free concert at Lebanon church Oct. 20
The public is invited to a free organ recital featuring acclaimed organist Wesley Parrott at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, at 22 S. 6th St., Lebanon, at 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, as part of the church’s celebration of the Feast of St. Luke.
Lebanon will host county marching band exhibition Saturday, Oct. 19
Lebanon High School will host the 2024 Lebanon County Marching Band Exhibition on Saturday, Oct. 19.
Community of Lebanon Assn. offers ghost tours of downtown Lebanon
Lebanon County author, psychic and piano teacher Jan Helen McGee will once again lead a series of ghost tours through downtown Lebanon’s most haunted locations.
Featured Lebanon Valley events for the weekend of Oct. 18 to Oct. 20
Here are featured events happening across the Lebanon Valley this weekend, October 18 to October 20.