Nothing will mark a return to “normal summer” quite like the Lebanon Area Fair. While the food, track events, and music are an important part of the experience, the heart of the Fair lies in the competitive exhibits. And you can become one of those exhibitors! There are many categories to choose from, so if you enjoy baking, canning, crafting, gardening, photography or art, or even have a child who likes to make things out of Legos, there is a category for you.
“It will be especially interesting to see what new hobbies people picked up during the pandemic to keep themselves occupied. I know quite a few folks who started their own gardens or got their kids into baking over the last 15 months,” said Rachel Siegel, Indoor Exhibits Chairman. “I expect that we could also see an increase in sewing, craftwork and art/photography exhibits as well.”
To accommodate the potential increase of projects created during the lockdowns, the Fair is accepting exhibits completed anytime since the last full fair (the 2019 Fair), assuming it wasn’t entered in the 2020 Fair, which had been limited due to COVID precautions.
“I hope people show us the results of their ‘energy outlets’ and maybe they will earn some ribbons, prize money and bragging rights in the process. Plus, more entries makes for a more interesting exhibition,” said Siegel.
To participate, entries must be pre-entered by July 9. Here is how to pre-enter:
Visit the Lebanon Area Fair’s website, find the “Exhibit” Tab, and find the link to the Fair Catalog. Read the general rules as well as any rules pertaining to the specific division or class. (While the Fair has many contests open to anyone who is a Pennsylvania resident,
the Fair also has a special department reserved for youth under age 19, and a department reserved for youth involved with 4-H or FFA vocational programs.) Follow the link to pre-enter the exhibit(s) online. Bring any pre-entered indoor exhibits to the Fairgrounds at the appropriate time– quilts must arrive on Thursday July 22, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. while most other exhibits are to be brought on Friday, July 23 from 3 to 9 p.m. or Saturday, July 24 from 7 to 9 a.m. Indoor entries must be picked up on Saturday, July 31 from 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Consult the Lebanon Area Fair’s website for more information, or call the Fair office for assistance. Remember, the Fair is still a couple of weeks away, which gives you time to start and finish projects, or maybe perfect that recipe before the Fair arrives!